Example sentences of "one [noun] that was " in BNC.

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1 But Pertwee was allowed one privilege that was reserved for very , very few .
2 They thought there was one wave that was meant just for them , in the same way that marriages were supposed to be made in heaven .
3 I had , however , one advantage that was denied to Beveridge .
4 In fact , as of July 1991 , only one concentration that was a merger in the traditional sense of the word , which was between two Japanese banks , had been notified to the Commission ; the rest were concerned concentrations that came within the wider definition .
5 Matters were not helped by the Sabina Park authorities providing one sightscreen that was too low to be of much use if the bowler was over six feet ( 1.8 metres ) tall , and when England complained after the game against Jamaica the reply was that it could not be raised without obscuring the view of some two hundred people who had already bought tickets .
6 Er I think there was only one question that was raised during the er course of the discussion Chairman which erm Mike assured and Mr raised the point about the Channel Tunnel , the effect that that might have of er erm passenger Gatwick .
7 She would need at least one room that was n't like a builder 's yard , ’ Sam says .
8 When I was heavily pregnant we lived in one room that was infested with red ants .
9 One , one point that was made to me is , is it might be , it might be too late for this , but it might be helpful for some staff from residential establishments to actually get to understand what official visits are as well .
10 Er but the one point that was
11 At first there was just one loudspeaker that was used to announce community meetings and activities , and organise support for different neighbourhood needs .
12 In any case , I clearly remember one evening that was unambiguously happy .
13 There was only one peg that was ice-free and I predicted that if anything was caught at all that peg would be the last to produce .
14 It is sometimes advantageous to cease continually pushing onwards ; by stopping one has time to relax and see what otherwise would have been missed , the colours of the machair , wild poppies , buttercups , clovers , yellow rattle , eyebrights and even common ragwort , a visit to Northton , the smell of peat fires , a silent deserted main street , an antiquated petrol pump , a seized up old tractor , overgrown gardens , derelict corrugated iron roofed buildings and one shop that was a shop no more , signs suggestive of better , more affluent times .
15 One group that was frequently excluded was the poor — those who could not be guaranteed to be able to pay their own funeral expenses .
16 One criticism that was levelled at calculators when they were widely available was that kids would start using them and really would n't understand basic arithmetic .
17 Glennis O'Connor , a secretary in London 's East End , whose son Conrad is now 14 months , says , ‘ I had a horrible time trying to breastfeed — I had one nipple that was so sore it felt like hot pepper was being rubbed into it each time I fed Conrad .
18 It struck me he might have come up with something one day that was n't just embarrassing but downright scandalous .
19 By mutual consent , it seemed , they spoke for the rest of the meal of anything but the one topic that was on both their minds .
20 Yet the one area that was ignored by the review was finance .
21 The one bed that was occupied was at the far end of the ward .
22 There were ‘ spheres of reality within which consciousness could operate ( i.e. distinguish , recognize ) and there was one sphere that was common to all :
23 Alexandra could imagine her face , white and drawn , her eyes shut against the effort of calling , the effort of standing there with almost all her weight on the one leg that was any use to her .
24 But Ingrid almost denies this : ‘ I 'd been the typical first-year art-school person , entrenched in one style that was really landscapey — all earthy colours and shapes .
25 No , no one thought that was right .
26 ‘ The whiting cooked with its tail in its mouth teaches us to think all round a problem , ’ answered Auguste , lovingly poking back one tail that was sprawling over the edge of his basket .
27 And he 'd have to put that I remember one man that was counting like this , he used to count them by the three you know .
28 One consideration that was coming to influence the more perceptive minds was a realisation of the immensity of the populated globe .
29 One project that was underway on the day of the trophy presentation was the awesome task of repainting Vulcan B.2 XM594 .
30 Er , failure to produce his driving licence failure to produce a test certificate for the vehicle and failure to produce his insurance documents and what Mr says in respect of er , those three offenses is that er , the officer , he accepts , did tell him that he was obliged to produce the documents to a police station but he says that he was suffering some shock as a result of the road accident and er he did n't appreciate what the officer was saying to him at the time and , never having had to produce his documents at the police station before er , he had never er no , known that that was a procedure that had to be followed and in the circumstances he did n't pay any attention to the print on the H R T er , one form that was issued to him and he did n't produce the documents .
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