Example sentences of "out as you [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then you can decide to live your life fully — getting as much out as you put in .
2 No , no , no , no , no , he said , it 's got to be the real thing , you 've got to start out as you mean to go on Get it right from the beginning .
3 While you can get away with using small aquaria to breed these fish in , provided all other parameters are correct , problems will soon occur and so it is always good practice to start out as you mean to go on .
4 He does n't blast your eardrums out as you get past the door like some of these do .
5 And if they did n't come out in segments , then the middle fell out as you transferred the pale object to your plate .
6 And Malcolm sorted that out as you know .
7 and take and her card and then her folder comes out as you take it .
8 Some of the questions may not be very important ; you find that out as you make the answers .
9 A couple of days later you are talking to a close associate and all your anger and frustration surge out as you let go of your feelings about the meeting .
10 Take them out as you use them ?
11 Sheeting out as you step up .
12 You will find that out as you arrange the information or evidence to back it up .
13 You are following two other companies and the last one is moving their equipment Out as you come into the room .
14 But there is no trick to the business of learning lines , as you will find out as you go on — although learning lines for an audition is different from memorising a part in a play for production , because then you will be operating with other actors around you .
15 Sort things out as you go — as every family needs to do .
16 Do n't try and answer something you do not understand in the hope that you can work it out as you go along .
17 BT : Well , starting a sentence with an if-clause , for instance , especially if you 're being a bit hesitant , thinking something out as you go along …
18 Slowly breathe out as you bring your arms back down to your sides .
19 The whole point of Lourdes comes out as you walk down from the centre of the town towards the river and the Cité Religieuse on the far bank .
20 When the radiator is empty , undo the other coupling and stuff tissue paper or rag into the radiator inlets , to stop sludge dripping out as you lift the radiator off its brackets and carry it out of the house .
21 Basically , you hold this as you would a short leash , wrapped around your bottom two fingers and tied to your glove , so that you can easily pay it out as you increase the flight distance .
22 You can just make it out as you cross from Aonach air Chrith to Maol Chinn-dearg , with Loch Quoich sparkling behind Gleouraich , another fabulous mountain .
23 Offpiste spring snow is easy to ski and smooth so concentrate on regular breathing ( in as you start the turn , out as you complete it ) , think ‘ light ’ and fly like a bird .
25 Even your first flight could end up with a field landing and , if the wheel brake lever is not in the usual position for you , your habits will catch you out as you claw for the non-existent lever in panic .
26 In what way did it not turn out as you expect it .
27 It has : a strong rhythm repetition a sense of humour Try to bring all these out as you read it .
28 If force was ruled out as you say , why were 150 riot police equipped with riot helmets , shields and batons needed to remove 51 people , of whom 43 were women and children ? ’
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