Example sentences of "out from the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Both dog fox and vixen will dig these out from the stops , never going in at the doe 's entrance but judging the precise overhead position from which to dig down directly to the nest .
2 All over the City , people were killing each other , having torrid affairs in seedy motel rooms , stealing bodies from the morgue , working late on revolutionary inventions , hiding out from the cops , waiting for the locksmith , running numbers , rock ‘ n ’ rolling at the high-school hop , praying at the bedsides of white-haired mothers , looking for the uranium in the wine cellar , describing their dreams to sage psychoanalysts , rehearsing for the big show , escaping across the rooftops .
3 It was then that the signal fire was lit which Allen watched from his tree-top. from end to end of the forest smoke rose in response , and when to east , to west , to south , and north the signal stations were assembled the message went out from the outlaws ' camp : ‘ The Cage is Open . ’
4 . ’ Another woman , repeating with incredulity that such things could happen while the Führer was standing by his soldiers at the Front in the fight against Bolshevism , said blessings would go out from the crucifixes in the schools ‘ not only for the children themselves , but also for our Führer and his soldiers , who are our sons , fathers , and brothers ’ .
5 People had begun to file out from the pews .
6 There , gazing out from the balconies and look-out points , they imagined they were on board frigates and corvettes and that they had cannons and decks .
7 But today the real sea looked wonderful , silken , with a gentle running glitter where the tide moved , and here and there the tilt and flash of white wings in the sunlight as the gulls sailed out from the cliffs .
8 A yellow-red light jetted out from the eye-holes of the distorted faces , like a bright beam shining through a keyhole in a door .
9 Lillie , Lillie , we was playing darts on Monday , came out from the ladies toilets ' and said You ought to see that skirting board , it 's all coming away and rotting .
10 There was deposition in large alluvial fans stretching out from the mountains in the south and the north-east into the flat plain .
11 There was a definite something about her which marked her out from the others .
12 The striping may make it difficult for a predator to select one animal out from the others in a tightly packed herd and equally difficult to judge distances between itself , its intended prey and the rest of the herd .
13 In the sample of seven companies , one stood out from the others as having a very different and more sophisticated method of scanning the environment .
14 But at the end of the road was the big white house where Edward Morris lived , a gracious house standing out from the others because it sported white railings which guarded the small , well-kept garden .
15 As soon as the election was completed and announced in the words " St Peter elects Lothar pope " , three doves flew into the place where the cardinals were assembled and when Lothar was singled out from the others the whitest of them settled on his right shoulder .
16 Obviously pupils need to move out from the objects to the people and society to which they belonged .
17 Er Madam Speaker , I I agree with er the honourable gentleman that it 's extremely important that the various agencies do play a part in working together to ensure effective action with minimum bureaucracy and I know that the honourable gentleman has been anxious to ensure that that happens in his own constituency and his own area where he is dealing with the problems of high unemployment er and the fall out from the closures of pits in his area and if the honourable gentleman has any specific er er measures which he would like us to look at then I 'd be very happy to consider those .
18 What have you been able to find out from the parents ? ’
19 She drew her right hand out from the folds of her apron and thrust a piece of paper at him , averting her eyes as she did so .
20 There was a glimpse of dark , pain-filled eyes peering out from the folds of the red blankets .
21 A cheer rang out from the natives assembled above the melon beds ; it could be heard even over the boom of cannons and rattle of musketry .
22 The static roared out from the earphones , stronger than ever .
23 The ethics of the universal religions take a different course in pursuit of objectivity , seeking to break out from the limitations of local custom by submitting to standards acceptable from the viewpoints of all mankind .
24 On one occasion they were comparing engagements in their respective diaries when two photographs of Camilla fell out from the pages of Charles 's diary .
25 The longstanding drift of people to the south is now less important than the movement of population out from the cities to surrounding smaller towns and to rural areas .
26 Screams rang out from the galleries , where spectators had been gazing down instead of hiding .
27 Then Armagh manager Jim McCorry whipped the 22-year-old student out from the wings , placed him on centre stage — and watched as he took the house down .
28 As their numbers grew so they spread out from the areas still occupied and the abandoned warrens slowly began to be reoccupied .
29 All I can find out from the organisers is that ‘ preliminary judging will take place between 1st June and 14th July and final judging will be completed in August and results announced in early September ’ .
30 Nurse Rose had to exercise all her powers of concentration to sort out from the mumblings and digressions exactly what Mrs. Fanshawe wanted to say .
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