Example sentences of "out with some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I remember a , I remember er an A H T came out with some figures five years ago which may have prompted some early retirements then .
2 — it gives out with some mess that I might normally eat but now it sort of blows away and there 's a whole muddle of emotion in my …
3 It set fire to the sheets , but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water . ’
4 We would generally feel that the welfare of people who need to knock themselves out with some kind of drug and need to spend a large part of their lives thus self-narcotised is less good than that of people who do not need to .
5 I tried to knock myself out with some cider I 'd bought , then I swallowed a bottle of weedkiller and started to walk towards the lake .
6 ‘ I 'm going out with some friends — from work , ’ she added , then had the uncomfortable feeling that her mother knew exactly whom she was going out with .
7 He 's gon na out with some stick !
8 Simon says in a soap fans ' magazine : ‘ I 'd hate to be going out with some girl that all the boys were hassling or eyeing up .
9 He said I do n't know , he says he 's gone out with some girl called .
10 ‘ If that were the case I 'd hardly have accepted your invitation , ’ she pointed out with some asperity .
11 She 's probably fallen out with some kid or other .
12 Whereas at the time it was a thin old wicket — you know , ‘ Madness are a bit thick and they do come out with some bollocks sometimes , so I do n't know if I can throw my weight behind them ’ . ’
13 Instead , both position and velocity would have to be smeared out with some probability distribution around the nucleus .
14 At that time I was turning it out with some facility , and I had had two poems published in The Isis in my first year .
15 Well and the fact that it was just their garden , and as far as I can make out it was simply that garden , it would suggest that she 's fallen out with some kids or something like that or somebody and yeah .
16 He 'd loll in his chair as he was doing then , and suddenly come out with some remark that made everyone else uncomfortable .
17 She hummed to herself when she was working and should you pass her when she was on her knees polishing the floor , or slapping dough on the board — she made bread for them all — she would come out with some remark that would either cause you to make a retort in similar vein or have you burst out laughing .
18 Having arranged all the larger flowers in the design , I then filled it out with some astrantia and potentilla flowers .
19 ‘ She went out with some men , yes , when she was here .
20 So farmers increasingly object to visitors ‘ roaming all over ’ their land and will point out with some vehemence that they would not be allowed , nor even expect to be allowed , the same licence to wander around urban factories .
21 After some spirited discussion Margaret agreed with the policy but pointed out with some feeling that she had been in the chair of every meeting of the Economic Committee throughout the Falklands crisis .
22 In the other camp were the advocates , who characterised arts funding as a fundamental department of any civilised nation , and pointed out with some embarrassment that most Western countries devote ten times the per capita budget supported represented by the NEA 's $175 million ( £100 million ) budget .
23 A flow of records ensued , including a posthumous Sid Vicious album , Sid Sings , and sundry repackagings of those few songs which the group had actually recorded , wringing the cash cow dry , as Richard Branson later pointed out with some irony , ‘ in just the spirit of the Swindle Malcolm had always talked about ’ .
24 The idea may have been worked out with some care or , at the other extreme , it may have been put up spontaneously at a meeting convened to discuss the content of a future programme of activity .
25 Worse still , the dish has probably been cleaned out with some form of modern detergent .
26 Although conservatories not exceeding 30m 2 in floor area at ground level are still exempt from the regulations , there is a proviso that exemption is only permissible if the glazing satisfies the new Part N. In practical terms , this means that all low-level glazing must be carried out with some form of safety glass or similar product .
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