Example sentences of "out a great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She heaved out a great sigh and did not move for a full fifteen seconds : the sergeant watched them tick past , marked by the flick of the thin red hand of the electric clock on the wall .
2 The trouble is that it I know , I say I 'm going on about have n't got a copper and everything , then they walk up to the bar and pull out a great wad of notes
3 Harry let out a great snort .
4 Cullam sprang to his feet and let out a great cry , drumming his fists on the desk .
5 The only thing I can do now is to let out a great shout with you , ‘ Ça ira ’ for men and for people , believing that man is a world worth many times the world and that the most ardent ambitions are those which have the pride of Anonymity .
6 His face was grave for a moment and then , unexpectedly , he roared out a great shout of laughter
7 James puffed out a great breath , digging his hands deep into the big empty pockets of his coat .
8 Kersey blew out a great cloud of grey smoke .
9 He had laid out a great canvas sheet before him , bearing different phials and small bowls .
10 But you can find out a great deal on your initial farm walk , and much more in the weeks and months before you sign a contract or bid at auction .
11 At Warwick University ( England ) , doctors Steve Van Toller and George Dodd have been carrying out a great deal of research in recent years into the relationship between smell and emotion .
12 Unfortunately their ideas have not been tested out a great deal in other areas of London or the rest of the country , so we can not be at all sure whether the findings they claim are appropriate for application to the whole of our society are in fact so .
13 The government itself , of course , through its own various research organizations , and especially in Britain the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , carries out a great deal of valuable social research based on interviewing .
14 This drives out a great deal of air through the porous clay of the mould producing a partial vacuum which helps to suck the metal quickly into place when the arrangement is inverted .
15 If this exhibition means to report on the whole of twentieth-century American modernism then it has left out a great deal in the period between the two world wars ; work that is historically important and good even though sometimes ‘ provincial ’ with respect to Europe .
16 This short review of the changing styles of sociological research has inevitably left out a great deal , much of which will be discussed elsewhere in this book .
17 From this kind of research , you can find out a great deal about your ad and your product .
18 This trend towards a greater reliance upon jobs in service industries does not by itself , however , hold out a great deal of hope for the long-term male unemployed , or the emerging underclass .
19 Liz , like a pale convent girl too long mewed up , went wild in her first year , as she discovered the world of parties she had hitherto known only by reading and by hearsay : in those days , such was the imbalance between the sexes , women were much in demand as status symbols , as sleeping partners , as lovers , as party ballast , and Liz went out a great deal , her appearance improving dramatically as she did so .
20 From this period until the Bishopric of Gilbert de Glanville the buildings at Hailing were neglected and we know that Glanville carried out a great deal of restoration work here .
21 This Bishop found the palace and other buildings neglected and in a ruinous condition and carried out a great deal of repair work to the palace and also added to the building ( to quote ) , " in a most commodious manner " .
22 it had been a great patrol during which we had made a lot of new friends , carried out a great deal of work en route and broken into completely new territory for the cutters .
23 " I expect , living here in Chelsea , you go out a great deal . "
24 In the follow-up work , which continued for several weeks , the class worked on the design of castles inventing all manner of ingenious devices to prevent unwanted intruders or attackers getting in , went on a site visit to a castle , produced drawings and models and carried out a great deal of oral work , all inspired by the original story .
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