Example sentences of "out [adv] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 In case you 're finishing work at five and you 're not then I 'm sorry about that it has n't worked out right has it .
2 You want to space this out so space it out .
3 Forget it , Rory , for crying out loud forget it .
4 Do n't know what they 're gon na come out like did it with my camera .
5 The teacher may also wish the software to offer the opportunity for extension work , to draw the subject being studied out further relate it to other subject areas , raise issues and add a new dime to the work e.g. the software on the economy allows pupils to skills of manipulating variables and such skills are cross-curricular Often the same course can be duplicated , to advantage , us microcomputer program .
6 But me luck do n't hold out forever does it ?
7 No better still you bring it out here put it down with your name on it and er take whichever you want .
8 Her arms jerked out immediately to scoop it up .
9 Why are n't I out there enjoying it ?
10 Well a lot of people out there think it 's a fitter 's job to clean chutes out and unblock screens .
11 ‘ Yes , sir , I would , and before you dismiss that story , I 'd like to take you out there to hear it for yourself . ’
12 And I mean she 's , you 've got room out there to have it if it just stands .
13 I was down here at Sunset and I could see him out there doing it .
14 Whilst there 's a lot of talk about how to help small businesses , the angels and their advisors are out there doing it .
15 You 're all out there doing it , on a daily basis .
16 But clearly someone out there misses it because promoters are bringing over The Incredible Hulk Hogan , The Ultimate Warrior and a gentleman called Randy Savage , for eight dates in April and May , and they 're all sold out .
17 And I said , You flat out there avoiding it so he said erm you 've accuse us of erm taking slates out at night .
18 yeah but it does n't mean that they 're selling out completely does it because it
19 So all I 've got to do is when I run out again fill it up again spending another twenty five quid 's worth or so that would have been six and I could have had a free Corgi toy for Ricky for Christmas .
20 Many paddling pools can also be used as sandpits , but once you 've filled your pool with sand , you 're unlikely to want to take all out again to make it into a paddling pool for the afternoon .
21 As one described it , neighbourhood policing requires constables who know that ‘ All you learn in the classroom is what your powers are ’ , and that ‘ You do n't learn about the real facts of police work until you 're out actually doing it ’ , and that you can not afford to be ‘ heavy-handed ’ .
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