Example sentences of "out [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is a shame that there are no photographs but each chapter begins with a Tom Price sketch and the text marks Sylvie out as a skilled travel writer rather than just a traveller who writes , a thoroughly good read .
2 This has one most significant aspect in that soil conservation is not singled out as a specific and separate problem to be solved by a particular policy — it is conceived of as normal practice and must be incorporated into the business of improving incomes for farmers .
3 " In the organization too there were exponents of continued cooperation ; although Younger worked to defeat coalition in 1922 he did not rule it out as a future possibility .
4 At the introduction , Unix System Labs will likely be trotted out as a key WABI partner , a direct conduit to Univel Inc , its joint venture with Novell Inc , as well as an implicit conduit to COSE ( UX No 428 ) .
5 At the introduction , Unix System Laboratories Inc will likely be trotted out as a key WABI partner , providing a direct conduit to Univel Inc , its joint venture with Novell Inc , as well as an implicit conduit to the Common Open Software Environment .
6 It is interesting to note , however , how strong the price was in the final quarter of the year , when Houghton Mifflin was singled out as a prime beneficiary of Clinton-inspired support for education as well as the more favourable demographic trends .
7 Ask a hundred people what their least favourite part of the Spectrum is and the odds are heavily stacked in favour of the keyboard being pointed out as a prime culprit .
8 For Tencel , Courtaulds ' new cellulosic fibre , Italy has been singled out as a prime target in Europe because of the size , quality and design strength of its textile industry .
9 The T9000 memory is laid out as a dual-ported memory and is therefore accessible for measurements by the T805 .
10 What started out as a loyal band of Kylie watchers has now grown into a legion of Wannabes : teenage girls who spend all their waking hours trying to dress , talk and sing like Kylie .
11 The ‘ Chinese Wall ’ mechanism is singled out as a possible regulatory solution to this problem .
12 I was n't doing anything to speed up my role as a would-be doctor , so during my last year at Oxford , where I had planned to stay for three years before going to London for the real hard medical training , I arranged ( again through Dr Allott ) to spend my final long vac helping out as a general dogsbody at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London , where there was a special unit investigating Heine-Medin 's disease , the original name for polio , and — especially in the 1930s — doing research into the spinal aspects .
13 Marx started out as a Young Hegelian in the early 1840s and never threw off the underlying presuppositions of Hegelian rationalism .
14 Violence is not ruled out as a political weapon .
15 Pension abatement has been singled out as a blatant piece of age discrimination that is obsolete and should be abolished .
16 In retrospect Bukharin 's ‘ Notes of An Economist ’ stand out as a clearsighted warning against the headlong rush to industrialisation — without due regard to proportionality — that was embarked upon with the FFYP .
17 Lingering in the background was the English claim to overlordship of Scotland , occasionally dragged out as a diplomatic counter to Scottish military ambitions on England 's northern border ; but these neither seriously interrupted the peace between the two countries nor undermined Scotland 's status as an independent kingdom .
18 Mildred tried to shriek , but it only came out as a frenzied croaking .
19 They will mark you out as a professional — personable , efficient , and reliable .
20 As briefly as possible , Ruth told the story and Rosie chimed in , ‘ But now I 've left Soho , and moved back with the family , to help out as a part-time barmaid . ’
21 The common language here is ‘ ASCII , comma-delimited ’ which simply means that the data fields in each record have commas stuck between them and are sent out as a long line of text with a carriage return indicating the end of the record .
22 Our session started out as a posed picture for the photographer but in the end I was showing the former world champion my favourite trick shot — jumping the white over two reds into the middle pocket — and he was advising me about the exact position of the white and then how to pull off one of those complicated round-the-table shots .
23 Before acting out as a late Father Christmas , I want to erm , come up with some general , how shall I put it , general considerations , this is why you have slides , you realise that slides are not actually for your benefit , they 're for my benefit , that I can remember where I am and what I 'm supposed to do .
24 Thus Leo I thought it better that his congregation should keep their fasting for the proper liturgical seasons publicly set aside for it , rather than carry it out as a private ascetic exercise .
25 Especially since Tunney 's already struck out as a private eye .
26 If you prefer to start out as a pay-as-you-go rower , try the Nottingham-based National Water Sports Centre 's Rowing Club .
27 This — which several British critics have seen as a post-AIDS film — is postmodernist in its mixture of genres : it starts out as a straightforward melodrama and shifts into a horror or ‘ stalk and slash ’ genre .
28 Rameau laid this out as a simple trio for first and second violins and continuo , with flutes doubling the firsts in unison .
29 An invention that started out as a simple toy for children grew over the years to become a lifetime hobby for millions of people .
30 It introduced new stars like Gene Hackman and Gene Wilder and what started out as a low budget film featuring little-knowns became Warners ' biggest grossing movie of the decade .
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