Example sentences of "out to [be] just " in BNC.

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1 But the undertone was exceedingly fragile , with many traders prepared to bank on the FT-SE falling below 2,200 points in the next few weeks unless the 15 per cent rates do turn out to be just a short-lived shock .
2 The excess of Government expenditure in that year over the yield of taxation was forecast to be £1 billion and actually turned out to be just over £1and1/2 ; billion .
3 In Paris tomorrow , I am meeting my French and Italian opposite numbers , whoever they turn out to be just now .
4 The award winner in the urban category was Bridgefoot Multi-Storey in Stratford-upon-Avon , which may turn out to be just the attraction the town needs to woo back Shakespeare-mad Americans jumpy about international travel in the wake of the Gulf War .
5 Surely if Nick finds Clare attractive first thing in the morning , then nine o'clock at night out to be just as good ( or even better if you 're Clare ) ?
6 On atomic and subatomic levels seemingly solid matter is seen to be small particles within particles which eventually turn out to be just pure energy .
7 It turned out to be just what I needed . ’
8 The widower strikes no such fear into the heart , even though , in reality , he may turn out to be just as big a responsibility .
9 People who had said — during another part of the interview — that they preferred the smallest possible individual instalments turned out to be just as likely to switch to a shorter repayment schedule ( given lower APR and credit costs ) as people who had said they preferred the shortest possible repayment schedule .
10 Marcus joined the line to collect a towel which turned out to be just big enough to wrap around and tuck in .
11 On Boxing Day , which was really hot , a party of us drove to Riverton and had a good laugh about Riverton Rocks , which were given maximum rating ( 3 stars ) in the Guidebook but turned out to be just rocky outcrops offshore .
12 But it turns out to be just courting couples .
13 In Leeds a professional burglar turns out to be just 13 , with a record stretching back to when he was seven .
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