Example sentences of "out [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 They never found out I 'd done it .
2 While I was there they found out I 'd fallen pregnant while I was on my home leave from Bullwood Hall .
3 ‘ It would come out I 'd got a first at London University .
4 If that woman 's the sort who 'll incinerate a whole building , what will she do to me when she finds out I 've heard all this ?
5 gone way out I 've gone gone through to get to Llandudno .
6 ‘ They will find out I 've done nothing and flog me for it . ’
7 Since Father died and Mam walked out I 've had the running of this house on my shoulders .
8 No , I 'll get mine out I 've got a little dip in the corner !
9 Gon na say tough luck out I 've got beef oh it just smashes into pieces
10 While he was out I had rewritten my will so that I left nothing to my ex .
11 By the time 1972 was out I had found a Vets club in join , the VAC as it was called , and I began to pick up something about the scene — where to find the minor races , who to go to for training advice , the way to use blocks and how to seek out physios for repair purposes — and I took up steady training .
12 ‘ Friends at work were telling me I was a lucky so-and-so when I won the trip — but their comments were unrepeatable when they found out I had won the car as well . ’
13 My husband insists I have no contact with my friends , and gets violent if he finds out I have seen them .
14 gave out she 'd seen something that might upset
15 It was n't until I was much older still that I found out she 'd committed suicide . ’
16 I loaded them on , and when she tried to push she found out she 'd got a trolley with a wonky wheel .
17 And she , she wait , she made out she 'd driven on a road
18 Her husband gave out she 'd perished of some wasting disease , and duly married someone else , less beautiful but more docile , who gave him twelve children . ’
19 The first time out she had seen nothing but a sea of faces , so hard had she been concentrating on what she was doing .
20 ‘ Slowly I found out more and more about my marvellous father and though my mother — or perhaps because my mother — cherished his memory like that of nobody else , I found out she had lied to me about him .
21 Before setting out she had buried her husband , two sons and a daughter — all of them having starved to death .
22 Perhaps she 's gone out She 's gone out Okay sweetheart , come here love , let's get your jacket on .
23 The lucky winner of this month 's set of Elite strings is Trevor Raggatt of Egham , who picked out She 's Got It Bad from ‘ Stars ’ as being worthy of analysis , although there 's plenty of other good stuff to choose from ( the straight funk of Thrill Me and Freedom , the reggae groove of Model , the relative simplicity of Babies and the very Jamerson-influenced bass on Fall ) .
24 The bottom half of the page is how much she gets for every ten pounds she 's got to spend , but before we find out she 's got to spend , what we 've got to do is take off the policy fee .
25 oh well , they must 've worked it out and find out she 's got ta be better off keeping her job
26 They would all chip in later , of course , but she was too shattered right now , they must all be too shattered right now , to start doing sums , working out who had eaten what and how much it had cost .
27 Even if she had n't sussed out who had ordered the stuff , she should have asked for his advice and help in disposing of it .
28 I sit next to a down and out who has salvaged h is lunch from the bins .
29 ‘ They had an election in Belgium eight weeks ago and they have n't even found out who has won yet . ’
30 I was wondering if we ought to find out who 's decided to start using it again , and whether they really checked , I have been told they check on the source , but it 's like we 're slipping back gradually , and I thought if we said , if we pledged that we 're going to boycott timber , we should really keep to it unless we make a decision
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