Example sentences of "up with [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 He stood with his hands in his pockets and she realised she had been so taken up with her seemingly childish pursuit that she had not even heard the car arrive .
2 And although she was n't stupid enough to know that he would n't catch up with her eventually , when his role as host was over , if not before , she had high hopes that she could escape before that eventuality .
3 Maybe he 'd flown back to deal rapidly with Sarah Chester 's , so that he was free of any embarrassing need to meet up with her again ?
4 USER FRIENDLY 's long , hard season finally caught up with her yesterday when she could manage only sixth in the Japan Cup .
5 He finally caught up with her about thirty yards away from the pond .
6 Ross started the first ever Bitches Rodeo in 1988 and Lesley followed the next year , paddling poorly in the small ladies ' competition but meeting up with her now great friend and rival , Mandy Castle .
7 Everything caught up with her then , and everything slammed into its proper place .
8 They 're hardly moving at all — I can nearly keep up with them just by walking quick .
9 And the wrapping certainly is n't which Ray 's taken up with them anyway .
10 er , so , we 'll probably arrange for , to meet up with them sometime , somewhere
11 Just when she thought they 'd got away from it , change and disruption had caught up with them again .
12 ‘ He 's already appeared with them on TV — and ca n't wait to team up with them again on the big screen . ’
13 It will be great to meet up with them again . ’
14 After the last captive had been secured , the cordon remained in place to bag any stragglers , waiting until their colleagues who had been doing the sweep through the woods arrived to join up with them again .
15 The administration , even if it goes wrong , we can catch up with them later .
16 I will take this up with them very strongly on Monday .
17 If the system does n't come up with them much more convincingly than it is doing at present , then they will probably be found outside .
18 I caught up with them about 3.30pm in Jackson Bridge where they were finishing a hymn , and possibly a silent prayer , before they marched back up the steep winding hill to Hepworth where a free tea was waiting for them in the school .
19 The sergeant came to a halt outside the adjutant 's hut , and an out-of-breath Charlie caught up with him just as the door was opened by a colour-sergeant who turned to Charlie and said , ‘ Stand to attention , lad , remain one pace behind me and do n't speak unless you 're spoken to .
20 She was breathless when she did catch up with him outside on the front doorstep .
21 He was carrying the American Frank Connor 's bag when he was approached by Nick Faldo to join up with him again .
22 In the next week or so until I met up with him again I was suffused with wild imaginings .
23 what was up with him anyway ?
24 You wanted to wake up with him right there in the room and to turn to him and quote the next line of the film right back at him , to whisper it to him , make me almost believe that we are a pair of young lovers without any shame , and I do n't mean that in some tragedy queen way , but in order to say of Boy that truly I do think that it is a beauty like his that makes it all worth while , and I do feel that if we are fighting for anything , and if I was asked in a questionnaire what it was I was fighting for ( and believe me I do feel like I am fighting , more and more I think that ) , then I would answer , beauty .
25 He was not quick to anger and confrontation ; shocks caught up with him slowly and he usually faced them in solitary depression rather than by throwing a scene .
26 They are getting fed up with him too . ’
27 Oh what do you mean go back with him , since I 've , I 've split up with him now like .
28 I thought I was perfectly all right , and then it chose yesterday to catch up with me again suddenly … you 've been quite right to ignore it ; it 's helped , truly . "
29 Barry knows that 's where I 'll be , and if he 's half the sprout I know he is , he 'll meet up with me again . ’
30 Good of you to put up with me so long .
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