Example sentences of "up for [art] day " in BNC.

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1 Britain 's oldest and biggest investment trust invited the lucky investor , Fiona Saunders , and fiance Graham Grant , up for a day in London from their home on the Isle of Wight .
2 And if it was just exhausted , it was simply a question of postponing his own ploughing and resting it up for a day or two until it had regained its appetite and its strength .
3 Do come up for a day or so if there is the remotest possible chance .
4 Yes , have a little nap ; it 'll set you up for a day 's work tomorrow .
5 Having selected your water and turned up for a day 's fishing you then have to decide where the fish will be on the day in question .
6 Just to keep fit , or as he said ‘ to warm up for a day at Sekers ’ he swims about three miles each week .
7 Looks like you 'll have to sort of like put it up for a day and then take it down for a week and put it back in again .
8 in the rear of the trench , wrapped myself in an old Army blanket , I could hear the sound of the German sniping starting up for the day .
9 Everyone made it back to the rendezvous where they laid up for the day , returning in the evening to pick up the SBS group which had managed to deal with the radio station .
10 Stirling 's party decided to lie up for the day and , leaving the road , headed into some low hills covered with scrubby bushes .
11 Andrew Green , the present lord of the manor , and his wife had driven up for the day from Essex .
12 They toasted Keith and me ( Keith had come up for the day to join in ) and bought us a slow cooker for our new home .
13 Carol was at the coffee machine , stoking up for the day , the cover not yet off her typewriter .
14 Now power and ownership have drifted ever further offshore , and walkers and birdwatchers just up for the day from Clydeside can find themselves fenced out of the moor by the multinational grouse-shooting and deer-stalking syndicates .
15 If you live too far away to drive up for the day why not go for an extended weekend ?
16 And that 's me up for the day .
17 When the cold engine that was the city had coughed and kicked and finally started up for the day , then she 'd set out about her business .
18 I 'm , I 'm the only one working now , they 've , they 've all packed up for the day .
19 Determined to shoot one with a really fine head , I decided to spend a night near the mountain-top so that I could hunt for them in the early morning before they lay up for the day .
20 I followed him out of the City until I was convinced he was packing up for the day .
21 you know had some of that and erm my fried breakfast and my toast and my cup of coffee and I thoroughly enjoyed that , set me up for the day that did .
22 You can go up for the day .
23 The event , which is set for Sunday May 6th has extra significance this year , as it coincides with the 20th anniversary of the United States ' twentieth tactical fighter wing being based in Oxfordshire , and master sergeant Bill Fonten is predicting even more crowds will turn up for the day when the U S base throws open its doors .
24 From where I 'm sitting ( in a Paris café as it happens , pal , limbering up for the days 500cl — I mean 500 word slog ) , a rest in that sense would take the form of a couple of shifts in a Bolivian tin mine — and Club Med do n't fly there .
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