Example sentences of "up his [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Rats walked up his chest and began to lick his stubbly chin , obviously enjoying the salt from Yanto 's late night swim .
2 ‘ He does this by resorting to gorilla-like behaviour , puffing up his chest and appearing expansive , ’ says Dr Trower .
3 The therapist may encourage him to practise taking off clothes by himself , having helped him to put them on , to build up his awareness and confidence .
4 Later , both sloppy drunk , he climbed on and gave it to her and just before he came she put a finger up his asshole and it was the strangest sensation he 's ever had .
5 He was weak and found it difficult to pick up his feet as he walked .
6 The excess will remain in the buyer 's warehouse for quite some time , tying up his capital and his storage space .
7 He handed me back the key , thanked me , picked up his grip and left . ’
8 In 1613 , therefore , he gave up his Fellowship and left for the Continent in the suite of the Princess Elizabeth , who had just married the Elector Frederick of the Rhine .
9 Thus , an individual who has always been an atheist and who is ‘ converted ’ to Christianity may also give up his beliefs that indulging in alcohol , licentious sex , drugs and beating up little old ladies are acceptable elements of every-day behaviour .
10 Finish , there was only one man , the sergeant , who had come out with us , and then went back to pick up his correspondence and what not .
11 With nothing but a pole up his back and a drum wedged between his legs he bashed away with panache , as if frantically sewing up a leaking willie with giant needle and thread .
12 George and the twins gave no answer and Willie felt a cold prickle crawl up his back and into his hair .
13 The physician nodded and , scooping up his philtres and potions into a leather sheet , led Cranston and Athelstan from Whitefriars down a maze of streets so narrow they continued to lead their horses .
14 Does he have to rev up his engine while I 'm walking past ?
15 The dentist was very decent , looked up his records although he did n't need to , because he 'd treated Mr. Stavanger for years and knew him quite well .
16 A wronged woman might stab her husband with scissors , cut up his clothes or ram the other woman 's car , but the consequences are not predictable .
17 He turned his attention to rounding up his clothes and packing them in the holdall .
18 He stumped off , in search of split infinitives and incorrect usages of the adverb ‘ hopefully ’ , and the Last of the Hippies picked up his Moonchild or Starbeam or whatever , and calmed her down .
19 Unheeding , he picked up his greatcoat and strode towards the door .
20 But he had inherited his father 's ability , and he was just getting things straight again when he was badly hit by a prolonged series of dock strikes that tied up his ships and prevented them from earning anything .
21 Geoff Hamilton opens up his diary and Nigel Colborn continues his colourful creative planting plans .
22 He picked up his bottle and tramped away , treading on Dickinson 's feet .
23 He straightens up his mac and gives me a real serious look .
24 She took Mungo 's case , hung up his mac and led him to a fire as lively as the one in the waiting-room .
25 Urban decay and faded glory inspire Richard S Taylor to pick up his watercolours and go to town with the medium .
26 Urban decay and faded glory inspire Richard S Taylor to pick up his watercolours and go to town with the medium .
27 The actor 's approach to setting up his Bar and Grill has been eccentric to say the last .
28 Ellwood stayed still for a while , letting the priest set up his tackle and make a couple of casts , then he slithered down to the path .
29 When he was released , he sold up his home and moved to Barcelona , where he now had a job in a printing press .
30 Perhaps best known for his feud with the Al-Fayed brothers over Harrods and the House of Fraser , Tiny Rowland built up his mining and trading company , Lonrho , in the '50s and '60s .
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