Example sentences of "up by her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In a civil trial that began in 1987 , Eileen Roddenberry sued Norway , the company set up by her ex-husband , for her share of profits from the original television show , as well as Star Trek : The Next Generation , Star Trek : Deep Space Nine , and the Star Trek feature films .
2 Lennon hauled Ari up by her T-shirt .
3 The appeal was set up by her friend , Lady Romsey in memory of her daughter Leonora Knatchbull who died last year at the age of five .
4 One of the wrestlers tipped her up by her ankles , and she too vanished into the hole , high-heeled pumps kicking as she was swallowed by whatever machine or animal lurked below .
5 My English friend Annie was more or less brought up by her nan in a back-to-back in Manchester .
6 She had n't turned the light out , and now , propped up by her pillows , the bedclothes tucked under her chin , she sat staring straight ahead .
7 She imagined Nettie , held up by her collar , the water backing up to drown her .
8 A Potteries child who was brought up by her grandmother and ‘ treated her as me mother ’ remembers how ‘ grandad always used to turn and say , ‘ I 'm not your daddy you know . ’
9 He played Alan Crabbe , a nineteen-year-old who falls for the older Eileen — played by Nyree Dawn Porter — and is later beaten up by her fiancé .
10 Later , much later , when she had occasion to meet a policeman 's wife , a woman who had been beaten up by her husband for taking a lover on the nights he was on duty , the wife said to her , ‘ Well , you ought to understand .
11 In the interview she expressed her enormous relief at the return of the collection built up by her husband Sheikh Nasser Sabah al-Ahmed al-Sabah since 1975 and now totalling around 20,000 items .
12 I picked her up by her neck and I said you bitch and she goes when you put your face up close to her she goes and puts her ears back and goes like that to your face .
13 Admittedly the time given to the children will replace time previously taken up by her career , at least in the earlier stages of family life ( later she may resume her occupation with double demands upon her attentions ) .
14 Ghislaine collects £80,000 a year from a trust fund set up by her father , who died after falling off his yacht named after her last November .
15 She was rarely at school , kept away constantly by a variety of excuses dreamed up by her father and brothers who all decided that an education was of less use to Ellie than a clean and tidy home was to them .
16 The sky goddess as a woman arched over her husband , earth , and , held up by her father , air , gave birth to the sun in the morning and swallowed him in the evening .
17 In Greek mythology , Danae was a young woman locked up by her father to thwart would-be suitors , only to be impregnated by the God Zeus entering her prison in the form of a shower of gold .
18 Rachel , who was brought up by her grandparents on a Liverpool council estate , commands fees of up to £5,000 a day as one of the world 's most beautiful women .
19 Yeah and Charlotte 's cheekbones seem to kind of descend from up , up by her temples as opposed
20 And a Manchester mother vowed she would rather go to prison for life than pay a £4,000 bill run up by her son .
21 As well as the nastiness being endlessly stirred up by her mother , who whispered lies about him , saying he only wanted Sien for the posing and would drop her back in the gutter when he was done , there was Sien 's wretched pimp of a brother to contend with .
22 She had been born in India , where her father was stationed with the Air Force , but after her parents separated she was brought up by her mother , who lived with another woman in Northampton .
23 It is clear however that , although brought up by her mother in a family subscribing to the beliefs of the Jehovah 's Witnesses , Miss T. was neither baptised into their faith nor at any time a practising member .
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