Example sentences of "up [conj] down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
2 it creates extra communication problems , since top management is more remote from the work done at the bottom end of the organisation , and information tends to get distorted or blocked on its way up or down through the organisation hierarchy ;
3 Rather , the carrier frequency swoops up or down about an octave .
4 From this point , individual circuit cables wend their way around the house , crossing ceilings and floors , and running up or down to light switches and socket outlets at convenient points .
5 Wrap the bandage around the injured limb , then spiral it up or down for one turn .
6 With a modern diaphragm valve , it may only be necessary to move the float up or down on the serrated spindle connected to the valve arm
7 Scaling up or down on the ‘ chute diameter now raises another question , the number of gores to use .
8 Susan did not know how she felt about this until she saw that he had painted himself and herself half-way up or half-way down , looking up or down at their reflections in the water .
9 They will have a statutory duty to inquire into offenders ' means and take these into account in sentencing , but they will be free to scale fines up or down at their discretion .
10 In windy weather , the effects of the wind gradient near the ground accentuate any movement up or down of the towplane and glider .
11 In Method B , the amount to be paid out is a predetermined pool of money adjusted up or down in line with the year 's change in profits .
12 Our numerical system makes us round figures up or down in 10s and 5s .
13 How many times have you seen a horse with his head tied in with draw reins at a show and as soon as the gadget is removed his head shoots up or down in an effort to stretch the neck .
14 Under this settlement , subject to approval by the courts in the UK , Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands and by 70 per cent of the creditors involved , those shareholders — the Ruler and authorities of Abu Dhabi — would ( i ) make a payment of $1,700 million ( adjustable up or down by $500 million ) to make possible a return to creditors of between 30 and 40 per cent ; and ( ii ) assume responsibility for certain liabilities of BCCI branches in the United Arab Emirates .
15 We can not dance up and down about poor Poll ; it would not help her .
16 some some extra layers on this , I mean I think that 's very valid and the extra layers include er one , the fact that since then there have been a number of royals who have divorced and so it is not unique for royals to be divorced and the Church of England has not jumped up and down about the fact that there are royals who are divorced particularly given that the , you know the Church of England are opposed to divorce .
17 God walking up and down between buckthorn and sallow and goat willow .
18 The bamboo corals spiralled up like whiskers and , when I touched them , rings of light pulsed up and down between base and tip . ’
19 Adapting his subject to his captive audience , he plunged at once into parliamentary small talk about the newly appointed committee , bobbing up and down between Berowne and Dalgliesh like a small craft on bumpy water .
20 He paced up and down between the scullery and the living-room as if on the deck of a ship .
21 They 'd be going up and down between the aisles as well .
22 There was one occasion when the addled eggs came in handy for pelting a kid on a motorbike who 'd been riding up and down outside our house all evening and making a terrible noise .
23 You used to run your horses up and down outside there and they used to sell them .
24 And , anyway , I only cruised up and down outside the house twice just to make sure there was no one lying in wait .
25 Last night a Vauxhall Astra careered up and down outside crashing down the garden fence .
26 The cockerel stood braced , shrilling its cry out into the mist , answering other calls from other compounds up and down across the hillside .
27 It had been wounded , and was struggling to stay afloat with its snout jutting horizontally above the water , its dark mane of bristle bobbing up and down amid the white rise of the current .
28 He could feel his head moving up and down of its own accord .
29 And go up and down to London .
30 We wandered up and down to the inadequate refreshment kiosk , drinking soda and eating buns .
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