Example sentences of "up [adv] and [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We had an advantage in that there had been an effort to devolve management responsibility , the investment operation had been set up separately and there were business divisions .
2 You had to sit up straight and there was barely room for your knees .
3 Long runs can , of course , be purchased at a price in the saleroom , but odd volumes picked up here and there should be inexpensive .
4 Yes erm listening to the punters I mean I know loads of people come up here and there 's one thing which all of them tend to say and that this place is threatening .
5 really cos there 's such a cross section of conversation going on , it 's really funny there 's this bit in the car when we went outside with the mike and on a at Claire 's party and er erm like there 's me talking to Claire really loudly like across the car and Frank talking to Nigel across the front and he speakers were up here and there 's just a whaaaaaaa this massive rabble going on .
6 I personally do n't know a lot about it apart from the fact that Arthur Scargill went up there and there was a bit of excitement .
7 But it made the national press because Arthur was up there and there was a bit of shouting and scuffling .
8 and you went up there and there 's them building sort of on the top is n't there
9 he said he 's been up there and there 's nothing but boxing , there should be something from should n't there ?
10 Well Street was really I should say the only industrial part of Caldmore or Palfry , cos there was Harveys had a factory up there and there was a little bit of factory work in Street , there was actually a small factory on the corner of Street and Lane , but the factory area was mostly in .
11 Her deep green eyes were made up expertly and there was a wistfulness in them that pierced Roy 's heart .
12 She was becoming worked up again and there was an element of aggression in her manner which might soon dissolve into tears .
13 Winds can blow up unexpectedly and there may be rain but it does n't usually last long .
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