Example sentences of "up [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Peace within the new boundaries allowed Milan to make up for the time lost during the bloody years of Napoleon 's campaigns and the Risorgimento .
2 So that 's it — we deduct five overs and three runs for the rain interruption , plus another eight overs and four runs to make up for the time it 's taken us to work it out .
3 It shuts him up for the time being , and I 'm not going to give him the satisfaction of thinking his insolence cuts any ice with me .
4 I 'd have taken in lodgers only for the war , but the solicitor advised me just to close the place up for the time being .
5 ‘ You can do nothing to make up for the time that 's been wasted checking for a link between that incident and the murder of Hal MacQuillan . ’
6 Please forgive the shortish letter , but I am trying to catch up for the time I was ill , and have quite a heavy teaching programme .
7 So it 's I I counted it up for the time I 'm staying .
8 that makes up for the time you , then doing the
9 ‘ And then , after the war , the newly formed High Council set themselves up as the Time Lords . ’
10 You 've just got to keep doubling up until the time is right .
11 Form the moment they wake up until the time they go to bed , whether they are playing with friends or at school , their minds and bodies are always active .
12 The Commodore 64 also offers a similar system but the ZX Spectrum , on which the Light Rifle was tested , does n't and the deficiency shows up in the time taken to calculate the position of the rifle when the trigger is pulled .
13 The Rhine was the eastern boundary of the Carolingian Franks up to the time of Charlemagne .
14 John 's mother , Audrey , joined the Club in 1938 and remained a stalwart in the Ladies ' Section up to the time of her death in 1984 , and his father Tom served the Club in many ways and was very highly regarded .
15 Bourke had to do this every time he spoke with Blake up to the time of the escape in October .
16 As with a number of other regions , a number of these early mill sites were in the hands of religious foundations , such as the Benedictines and Cistercian Orders who , up to the time of their suppression in the 16th century , owned as many mills as any of the estates or manors in Britain .
17 Because there are so few cells and a well-defined pattern , it is possible to follow the lineage and fate of every cell at least up to the time of gastrulation .
18 Such had been the history of this camp up to the time I arrived there .
19 However , up to the time of his partnership agreement with Scott , he had only completed approximately ten buildings , and was perhaps better known as a writer and administrator .
20 Up to the time of this article , Ruskin had largely remained aloof from the controversy .
21 Up to the time she started school , she was very clinging .
22 Astrologers ( not including medium Jeanne Dixon ) were predicting re-election for President John F Kennedy right up to the time of his assassination .
23 He sounded people out and found the responses favourable , so he set about to prepare the finest survey to have been carried out on Manchester up to that time and indeed up to the time of Charles Roeder 's article , late in the 19th century .
24 The first source of ‘ goodness ’ is to be found in the millions of years of evolution up to the time of the ‘ Dawn of Civilisation ’ .
25 That the human product of the evolutionary process was wholly ‘ good ’ up to the time of the start of civilisation has to be designated an unalienable ‘ truth ’ .
26 Up to the time of her deafness , she had ambitions to be a music composer but her deafness put paid to that .
27 The Poles had maintained a very efficient educational system under a special national commission up to the time of the partition .
28 This is fairer as it allows for the fact that fewer overs remain in which the chasing team can attack , but does not set a rate out of proportion with the course of the match up to the time of the stoppage .
29 Arrangements were further complicated by the arrival of an orthodox Bachad group who demanded a separate kosher kitchen all of their own , which they maintained right up to the time of their departure to Gwrych Castle at the outbreak of war .
30 I left him to his problems because it was coming up to the time when Emil had said the crew should board the train , and I was due back in the coffee shop .
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