Example sentences of "up [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I thought I 'd picked it up off a clean pile , but I was mistaken .
2 ‘ Three or four goes should make up the mind for her , ’ said Raimundo evilly , as Perdita picked herself up off the dusty ground .
3 GIGANTIC waves of oil 20 ft high were being whipped by gale force winds towards Europe 's finest beaches last night after a tanker broke up off the Spanish coast .
4 Pushing myself up off the wet ground , I brushed the twigs and earth off my trousers while I checked my pockets .
5 The major agreements are drawn up between a small number of tightly-controlled organisations and the outcome of their central negotiations sets guidelines and limits to the industry-wide negotiations which then subsequently take place .
6 Most prison reformers , including Howard , have emphasized that any rehabilitative effect which prison may have will derive primarily from the quality of the relationship built up between a respected member of staff and an individual prisoner .
7 However , they were very clear that a " gap " had somehow opened up between the favourable tone of established constitutional theory and the horrors of day-to-day political practice .
8 If Robert came to you and said in his gentle , somehow caressingly placid voice that I had admitted or confessed to him in ‘ obvious distress ’ that I had pushed my penis up between the hired legs of more than one hundred and fifty tarts ( including three on one single day , or two on one single bed ) then you would probably believe him .
9 There is perhaps no better way to appreciate the chasm which was to grow up between the established Anglican church of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with its close links to the powerful secular state and English nonconformity with its tenacity and separateness , than to contrast the pride and grandeur of Wren 's St Paul 's with the humbleness and lack of pretension of Jordans meeting-house .
10 The old Soviet armed forces should be split up between the new states , not consolidated under the flag of St Andrew .
11 First , an increasing gap opened up between the new scientific understanding of the universe as developed by men like Copernicus , Galileo and Newton , and the picture which orthodoxy generally believed it could find in the Bible , especially in the accounts of creation in the first two chapters of Genesis .
12 Social workers were reluctant to become involved in negotiations with private facilities , but the state funding for so many elderly people in private Homes has led to an inextricable mix up between the private , voluntary and statutory sectors .
13 The night was cold and black but when he stopped and looked up between the black overhanging gables of the houses , he was pleased to see the clouds beginning to break up .
14 In resisting the sideways forces the daggerboard starts to behave like a sail and a force is set up between the high and low pressure sides of the foil ( F1 ) .
15 The end of their fearful regime left the country with the task of reconstructing the entire Greek economy and bridging the deep rifts that had opened up between the Greek people themselves .
16 Its comments follow a fresh warning by Sir Gordon Borrie , director-general of Fair Trading , that he will take action against long-term beer supply agreements set up between the big brewers and pubs leased to others .
17 Then , with great bravado , she attacked the pile of pine-needles , scooping them up between the giant clutch of her karaso and her own small hand , depositing them in another heap that she was building on top of the rope .
18 Then the sections of the Second International had divided up between the different belligerent powers .
19 When the dragon had flighted across the market place of Antioch , and Margaret had found herself swept up between the huge teeth , she had laughed like a child at the brief glance she had had of the panic around her ; she had laughed from the pure unexpectedness of her escape and at the terrified way the mighty Olybrius had nearly swallowed his moustaches .
20 Inside the grounds the path continued , curving up between the overgrown rhododendrons in the direction of the house .
21 For lack of alternative parties or serious candidates with known individual characters to vote for , a gulf opened up between the isolated villagers on the one hand and the Roslavl' or Smolensk Party men on the other , intent on modelling themselves strictly on Smolensk or Moscow prototypes and on Moscow 's instructions .
22 A draft agreement covering the ownership of works of art and the division of cultural property was among the scores of treaties and agreements drawn up between the Czech and Slovak Republics prior to the 1 January dissolution of the seventy-four-year-old state of Czechoslovakia .
23 They climbed , passing up through a zebra-crossing kaleidoscope of dark and light .
24 Stay in this position for some time , then slowly sit up through a curved spine — a great way to relax !
25 In one single movement , raise both the torso and the legs — up through a curved spine to a sitting position , grasping the ankles .
26 The sour smell from the communal rubbish bins in the alley below drifted up through a broken window and Carrie grimaced as she knocked on the door .
27 ‘ I found a good place on the bus , on the top deck , right at the front , where you can feel the warmth coming up through a grating ’ ( here and there a head nodded understandingly ) ‘ and see the view .
28 Spread out below them were Dingle Harbour and Ventry Bay , and to the west , beyond the sheer cliff of Slea Head , the Blasket Islands poked their treacherous black rocks up through a calm Atlantic .
29 Cover : pulling up through a steady 4g loop in Harry Prew-Smith 's Fouga Magister .
30 Thus , in his chapter ‘ The Elimination of Metaphysics ’ , Ayer cites a number of philosophical problems which he believes can be rapidly cleared up through a proper understanding of language .
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