Example sentences of "who [vb base] [to-vb] it " in BNC.

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1 I leave things like aftershave to my sons , who tend to drink it .
2 ( c ) the offeror receives a binding commitment from the merchant bank to pay cash to accepting shareholders who elect to receive it in return for the offeror procuring the allotment to the merchant bank ( or , as directed , sub-underwriters ) of the consideration shares ( by means of the nominations received from accepting shareholders ) .
3 He is seen as the only man who can keep the peace between those who want to slow the pace of reform and those who want to speed it up .
4 We were discussing in form period , Asian languages in this school , about people who want to take it , that it would be a chance for people to learn another language , say , if non-Asian children take it they would come to respect it .
5 ‘ If we can prove this works , ’ Mr Dowding said , ‘ I am sure there are a lot of other farmers who want to give it a try and are just waiting .
6 Parissien acknowledges another benefit : ‘ the bottom line , for those who want to see it that way , is that the course is also a guide to how to put money onto a house , rather than take it off . ’
7 And it 's sweet to others as well who want to receive it , but it 's also bitter to those who do n't , but what a wonderful provision that is from Jehovah , so are we conscious of our spiritual needs , no question we could just ask in passing , you notice the kingdom ministry is changed ?
8 SASPAC91 for PC 's is being made available under the CHEST deal to academic sites who want to hold it ; the cost of a site licence is just under 3,000 for five years , and about 15 sites have taken up this offer .
9 Manufacturers are hurriedly bringing out Gulf war model kits and war games to satisfy the armchair generals who want to fight it out for themselves .
10 ‘ Michelet has strong emotions , and he smears what he feels on to paper without caring in the least how he does it , and without giving the slightest thought to technique or conventional forms — just shaping it into any form that can be understood by those who want to understand it . ’
11 But for UK and Irish holidaymakers who want to combine it with a Florida vacation , it is also an attractive deal .
12 This is the favourite place for Romanians who want to make it to the West .
13 They like their subject , and want nothing more than to be left alone to teach it to groups of pupils who want to learn it .
14 It aims to make more information about Gerson available , fund research projects , and eventually it hopes to set up a centre for people who want to try it , in combination with psychological counselling , according to Renee Henry .
15 For organisations like the Runnymede Trust , it is crucial to be alert to the various fronts upon which racism appears , and offer whatever support we can to those who want to challenge it .
16 Whatever the economic and administrative problems of crofting , it has a social and sociological value which should give pause to those who seek to destroy it , or who see no virtue in enabling it to survive .
17 The task for the journalist and broadcaster is to recognise and conform to the valuable discipline of the law , while at the same time understanding it sufficiently to be able to call the bluff of those who seek to exploit it to suppress important truths .
18 Sir , — The person who wrote the letter headed ‘ Ugly anti-hunt shock tactics ’ should be directing their disgust towards those people who inflict these atrocities on defenceless foxes and call it ‘ sport ’ , and not those who seek to expose it ( people who , I might add , have witnessed the animal suffering ) .
19 It is confusing even to those charged with its interpretation and to those who seek to make it work .
20 ‘ How well this social organization serves the purposes of those who seek to impose it depends in the last resort upon the conceptions in the minds of the men and women they recruit for these purposes .
21 It was commissioned by the Disney Corporation , who hope to sell it for sixty thousand dollars .
22 However , some companies employ large numbers of legal staff , so there is opportunity both for those who like to go it alone and for those who thrive on team spirit .
23 Rodinal is undoubtedly a ‘ classic ’ in every sense of the word and the many photographers who continue to use it , or indeed who have recently discovered it , never look back ; their results speak for themselves .
24 Instances of " lucid " dreaming , when the dreamer is aware that he or she is dreaming , are rare , even among those who claim to experience it frequently .
25 The relevant form is 20 pages long and contains more than 50 questions , and the 1 million people a year who labour to fill it in often fail to do so or are helped by relatives and friends ; 100,000 go to the citizens advice bureaux for help .
26 The Senate is notorious for closing ranks against any young politicians who try to use it as a springboard for something grander .
27 For those like me who fail to make it to the banks of the Styx , there is compensation at Vlykhada to the north , near Areopolis .
28 It includes some useful guidelines for those who wish to use it for choosing a course , either for themselves or for an employee .
29 This is particularly noticeable on the machair , which usually retains its bare winter appearance till the end of May , and those who wish to see it at its best should wait until mid-June or even July .
30 Any financial system exists to mediate between those who wish to lend money and those who wish to borrow it .
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