Example sentences of "who [vb base] [to-vb] they " in BNC.

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1 However , this has often depended on individual special projects — and on the highly committed innovators who tend to run them .
2 These jobs are usually seen as benefits , certainly by the workers who flock to take them up , and by the governments that have established incentive programmes to attract them in the first place .
3 NEXT week 's meeting in Kyoto of the 39 members of the International Whaling Commission will be marked , as usual , by a battle between those who want to kill whales and those who want to save them .
4 Occasionally , the dogs attract the attention of children , and even adults , who want to stroke them .
5 It is because they make the decisions that they are often under sharp pressure both from those above them in the hierarchy who allocate resources and from those with whom they deal who want to receive them .
6 Deeply though a great deal of crime fiction today is rooted in the blueprint detective story , there is now only a small public for such books in their pure form and , I think , there are not so many writers who want to produce them .
7 In abstract they may admire and be excited by them , but their day-to-day preference is for women who want to please them and do n't make too much of a fuss .
8 And these are the three main politicians who hope to sort them out .
9 It is also claimed that there has been a great deal of harassment of Serbs and Montenegrins by Albanian nationalists , who hope to drive them out and establish an ‘ ethnically pure ’ Kosovo .
10 ‘ We hope very strongly that the attitude of China 's authorities will be adequate to change the significant percentage of people who seem to say they have little confidence . ’
11 There are those who like to hang them on the wall and look at them , but generally speaking that 's taken to be pretty eccentric behaviour . ’
12 I know there are many women who endure similar treatment from men who profess to love them .
13 When the hunt — which is conducted by setting grass fires and spearing the pigs as they flee — separates a sow from her litter , the hunters put the piglets in a bog and take them home to the women , who proceed to raise them as though they were children .
14 We need to understand the assumptions and models that inform the world-view of those , from politicians to United Nations officials , who attempt to address them .
15 Riders are sometimes slowed to a walking pace and punch the supporters who try to embrace them .
16 Residential workers are faced with youngsters who are not only anxious and resentful about family events , but may also be mistrustful of those who try to help them .
17 And that , by your blessing upon them and those who try to help them , they may find peace and encouragement through Jesus Christ our Lord .
18 Chancellor Kohl , meanwhile , adopted a rather bullying tone by saying that German and European unification , like the flowing of the Rhine , are unstoppable and will wash away those who try to prevent them .
19 This chased filmed from a police video car shows the risks offenders are prepared to take — and the danger to officers who try to catch them .
20 Here I am admitting that all the clichés of parenthood are so accurate it 's no wonder that the only people who try to express them in the open are Hollywood film makers .
21 The police use a range of methods to cover up rape , torture and deaths in custody , including the writing of false arrest reports , organising phoney post mortems and rapid cremations and threatening those who try to expose them .
22 Ancestral spirits also exercise a shadowy effect , punishing those who fail to pay them the requisite respect .
23 One of the saddest things that old people find is the gradual dropping away of people who come to visit them .
24 They are taken seriously by many children , who come to believe them and , indeed , act on them .
25 They are provided by raising money from the public for a state-run charity , contributions to which are voluntary but which publishes guidelines for self-assessment for those who wish to use them .
26 The weekend routine varies , with no work to occupy the day and with extended exercise periods available to those who wish to use them .
27 Excepting share a yacht or pot luck boats , those who wish to use them carry them .
28 To suggest , as do other countries in the European Community , and the Commission itself , that there could be maximum daily doses of individual tablets prescribed , is not incompatible with saying that the products will continue to be freely available to all those who wish to use them .
29 Introduce Countryside Management Agreements for farmers and landowners who wish to take them up .
30 Nonetheless , guidance of our approval and disapproval by the principle of utility is the only serious option for those who wish to base them on ascertainable facts to which we can all come to attach the same kind of importance .
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