Example sentences of "who [vb base] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 How they are set is a difficult question to which I shall return , but those who decry as too narrow the scope of a Convention running to over a hundred Articles must surely embody the resuscitated spirit of Oliver Twist who will always cry for more !
32 If we forget these differences , then we are no better than the bullies who figure so prominently in this book .
33 They are unlikely to influence those farmers — such as agribusinessmen — who react most readily , and most exclusively , to financial incentives ; and these are usually precisely those farmers who wreak the greatest landscape change .
34 In discussing the school I will draw on the work of the last two writers , who focus particularly clearly on the theoretical issue with which we are concerned .
35 Others who hold on either to resentments of the past or else to romanticised versions of past events are equally unable to grow .
36 But America 's top shops are learning to apply their bar-code data in ways that might surprise a good many customers who shop more often than Mr Bush — and that signal big changes ahead for store managers , as well .
37 Their true ancestors were the Vascons , a people of northwestern Spain who spread very successfully into and over the Pyrenees and occupied much of south-western France .
38 When these aspects of Nonconformity , its inherent political bias and its identification with Victorian values , led ministers into the political arena , it was not surprising that critics complained : ‘ The men whom the churches care to hear … are the men who speak most loudly upon the current political topics , and who … ‘ play to the gallery ’ and , echoing the gallery 's political watchwords , rouse the gallery to re-echo them in its turn . ’
39 Judges and legislators , relying on the national press and on ‘ experts ’ who speak more often for political constituencies than for science , assume that the political benefits of banning tests are cheaply won .
40 For example , patients waiting in an out-patient department knowing that it will be 30 minutes before they are seen may be happier than those who wait half as long , not knowing how long the wait will be .
41 The extreme poverty of the whole concern is pathetic , and I wished I 'd paid more for the things I bought so as to make life easier for these tanners who look just about ready to give up .
42 A blurred shape is perceptible to those who look hard enough , but the process is more amorphous than the stereotype might suggest .
43 Much to their chagrin , those who look fondly back to earlier days when things were different , believe efforts by senior officials to regulate the activities of field staff more closely have created an unnecessarily ordered and bureaucratized job .
44 Malthus was wrong about the effects of unchecked population growth , as the optimists constantly remind those who look too bleakly into the future .
45 There are even those who look back nostalgically to the days when people might leave school at 11 , when the educated classes were distinct from the uneducated .
46 When the steamboat touches the pier , you are met by a throng of canvassers from the hotels and private lodging-house keepers , and not a few of the holiday residents , who look out eagerly , in the hope of mayhap meeting friend or acquaintance or notable traveller .
47 He applied for a post in the service of the archduke : but Ferdinand was advised by his mother not to burden himself with such ‘ useless creatures who travel around all over the place , like beggars ’ .
48 All of which is good news for those who travel back here year after year , but disappointing for those who find out about Bellagio too late and ca n't book it for love nor money …
49 ‘ I know people who travel way out of the area to dig for worms and they end up having their vehicles smashed by other anglers .
50 Does Mr Stigle not appreciate that without these hard-working VOLUNTEERS who give so freely of their time and money , there would be no main line steam ?
51 Some of the people who complain most bitterly about the community charge are those who discover after their homes have been repossessed that they must pay the charge not only on their new property — because it is imposed on the individual — but on the property which they lost , and which they thought was now the responsibility of the building society .
52 Moores declared : ‘ My feelings are no different to those of the people who stand so proudly on the Kop .
53 Lauded at Cannes , the first feature by journalist Whit Stillman is a drily satirical comedy of manners among ‘ the Park Avenue Elite ’ , a group of debutante students living on the Upper East Side of Manhattan who meet almost nightly at Sally Fowler 's apartment .
54 ‘ There are many girls under 16 who know full well what is happening and can properly consent .
55 The day passes in a haze of Russian taxi drivers who know even less about LA than my dead Gorbals grandma .
56 Some of them are excellent , the work of true professionals who know well how to present a logical and inspiring case study .
57 Sound effects , too , are usually library material , or produced by one of a small group of specialists who know precisely how to reproduce , for example , the sound of a caterpillar dancing in a bowl of bird seed .
58 And with this in mind and I 'm I 'm you will notice that I have n't spoken at all and that is quite deliberate on my part but then I can also say the same for many people sitting round here who know quite well that they have n't spoken either .
59 … a charming set of young ladies who shine out prominently as sprightly vocalists and dancers , whose contributions to the programme are received with much favour .
60 Motorists who drive too close to the car in front of them at high speed are being targeted by Cheshire police .
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