Example sentences of "who [vb past] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The group who produced this version attempted to create a balance between , on the one hand , the central action of the shooting , and , on the other , the more 'static " descriptions of the rain , the hospital and the courtyard .
2 He goes on , ‘ What I would like to know is just who produced this paper .
3 I suspect that it is assumed by most people , including those who planned this course of lectures , that language is a means of communication — that this is what it is for ; and that since literature is made out of language , it too must be a kind of communication , as defined by , for instance , the Collins English Dictionary : ‘ the imparting or exchange of information , ideas , feelings ’ .
4 When police in Cleveland pinned on station noticeboards photos of people they suspected might be infected with the Aids virus , the two probation officers who disclosed this practice were disciplined .
5 Pilot of the lead aircraft , Glamorous Glen III , was Chuck Yeager , flying his aircraft , who led this formation down the display line to open the days flying programme .
6 MOST OF the rebel officers who led this week 's abortive coup in Panama were shot after their rebellion failed , not killed during the fighting , as the military contends , according to a senior source who was permitted to see the bodies .
7 The skins who patronised this shop , every Sunday and most of the rest of the week , were part of the skinhead revival .
8 Someone here once told me a story about the most notorious of the dictators who ruled this country at the turn of the century .
9 The Yek who ruled this world lived according to a complex code of law at the very core of which was a presumption which affected every part of their existence — the belief that technological advancement was to a great extent incompatible with the maintenance of civilisation .
10 Heavily illustrated with photos of the aircraft and people who inhabited this airfield , it is worthy of inclusion on any aviation historian 's bookshelf .
11 ‘ If you know the man who owned this house , you had better come inside , ’ he said .
12 ‘ Then I drove almost two hundred miles down from Lisboa in order to visit whoever it was who owned this house . ’
13 In the pre-civil war period , one group of clerics and laymen who shared this approach and who thus opposed the confrontational policies of Laud and his followers , began to meet at the house of Lucius Cary , Lord Falkland , at Great Tew in Oxfordshire .
14 We ought to start speaking in Spanish so the people who read this dictionary do n't understand it
15 It only remains for me to thank everyone who made this year both a pleasure and a challenge for me .
16 And who made this telephone call ? ’
17 Just a few minutes ago Lou Macari left the court buildings with his wife Dale , and his solicitor Stephen Pollard , who made this statement .
18 Yet there were those who moved easily around the margins , and I am certain the profound effects of this liminal time extended to more than a few of us who made this transition into structural limbo .
19 We believe in a God who made this world and all in it as something beautiful to behold .
20 The head who described this process pointed to two matters of importance : " I wanted a systematic curriculum with the sharing of opportunities fully understood by parents and staff , and with the pastoral organization of the school running smoothly alongside the curriculum scheme . "
21 The protocol was accepted by proponents of provocation testing , and clinicians who used this method participated in the study .
22 Srivastava et al used tripotassium dicitratobismuthate equivalent to 432 mg of metallic bismuth , neutralised to pH 7 with a viscious solution of Keltrol given at night and found improvement in nine of 11 patients who used this enema for one month .
23 Einhard 's criticism that the late Merovingians travelled around in ox-carts ignored the fact that in so doing they were copying late Roman provincial governors , who used this means of transport to ensure that they were accessible to petitioners .
24 It was made for the Dolls ' House by Hardy Bros Ltd. and presented by Mr W. Hardy , father of today 's Marketing Director , Mr James Hardy , who found this invitation discarded with some rubbish when the factory moved in 1965 .
25 Those who invoked this factor to explain the colour on the outside of a snail 's shell had no way of explaining differences on the inside .
26 Although the people who built this temple have long since vanished , legend has it that during certain summer full moons the wild elephants arrive to roister amongst the ruins .
27 He 's the man who built this house then gambled it away .
28 And s and so wh when did you er who s who built this house or when did you move to this part ?
29 This business passed into the hands of Mr Spires the butcher , then after the war to Jim Beaney , who maintained this service into the 1950's , combining it with his coach business .
30 Anyone who tried this line of argument would be taken to task by the pollsters , who have a commercial interest in resisting such reasoning .
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