Example sentences of "who [vb past] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Every match I am playing better and better , ’ said Stich , who revealed that marriage to German actress Jessica Stockman nine months ago helped put his career back on track after he had slumped as low as 17 in the world last year .
2 Finally , what , in retrospect , did the person who lived that life consider had happened during its course ?
3 He was one of those who led that assembly in prayer on its first full day 's sitting , which it devoted entirely to religious exercises .
4 The 91 patients in Soutar & Wilson 's study were asked their opinion about the effect of noise on sleep and of the 28 who admitted that sleep was more difficult in hospital than at home , only 9 said it was because of the noise .
5 The representations which come from members of the public and others can not therefore be assumed in all cases to embody the approach which would be given were a a full understanding of the previous and proposed situations in the mind of those who made that proposal .
6 Who made that mess ?
7 ‘ But who made that telephone call ?
8 Who made that phone call to the police at the airport ? ’ she asked .
9 Dad Tam : " You promise me you will never tell anybody " til " am deed that I stood for the man who made that statue . "
10 ‘ Was it your daughter , Imogen , who made that trunk call from Scotland this morning ? ’
11 The GP who made that referral should understand the options available and the implications of his referral .
12 SIR — I would like to comment on the paper by Townsend et al , who reported that spring phytoplankton blooms occurred in the absence of vertical stratification of the water masses .
13 I hear it was you who found that woman 's body .
14 Mr Templeton said that minutes later he had spoken to a policeman who contradicted that information and said he had been told that there was someone in the building .
15 With special attention to the man who created that colossus — Franklin D. Hauser . ’
16 In the face of recessionary gloom , Potton 's have just had their two most successful years ; in 1990 they sold 250 units , but those who built that year made the original commitment — such as finding land and seeking planning permission — several years earlier .
17 They denied that subjects possessed inalienable natural rights which would allow them to question the legitimacy of duly constituted authority , and those who maintained that sovereignty was vested in the Crown-in-Parliament did so in order to undermine Whig populist notions that the people could call their rulers to account .
18 The bat should be thought of as analogous to the police radar trapping instrument , not to the person who designed that instrument .
19 In short , comparing individuals in a survey who thought that candidate A would win with those who believed that candidate B would win would not be comparing two groups similar in all possible other respects , unlike the experiment discussed above .
20 After all , there was a time when those who believed that abortion — by whatever means — should be legalised , were in a minority .
21 And if you read the scriptures , you 'll discover those where er he , you know er he was with Paul on one occasion , and er he 'd been eating with Gentiles and er then some Jews came up who believed that eating with er non-Jews even though they were followers of Jesus was wrong .
22 Madame Delon mentioned that the person who painted that view of the Porte des Cévennes , the one hanging in your salon , is a friend of yours ? ’
23 She knew him when he came ; though he trod quietly his step was unmistakably light and long and confident , and he was one of the few who came that way by night alone , yet not furtively .
24 The man who played that part was Norman Lumsden , and I bumped into him when he was in Belfast last Friday to present the awards at an Action MS reception , sponsored by British Telecom .
25 No one who played that day will ever forget it .
26 But it was Bob Calder who assumed that role .
27 Blackrock College 's fly-half is STEVE BACHOP , who filled that role fairly impressively for Western Samoa in the World Cup and is in his second season with ‘ Rock .
28 John Byrne , who equalised that night , Peter Davenport , Welsh international Tony Norman and Northern Ireland 's Anton Rogan , a Scottish Cup-winner with Celtic , all provide Sunderland with essential experience .
29 A SENIOR Anglican clergyman who declared that sex outside marriage should not necessarily be considered a sin has come under fire .
30 ‘ I only want to know who slashed that picture if you did n't . ’
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