Example sentences of "who [vb past] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Three years ago , two art historians , Francesca Capelletti and Laura Testa , published an article which shows that Caravaggio was paid for this ‘ Christ taken into Captivity ’ in 1602 by one Ciriaco Mattei ; that the painting descended in the same family until 1802 , when it was bought , together with other pictures , by the Scottish Hamilton Nisbet family , who sold it again in Dodwell 's rooms in Edinburgh in 1921 .
2 Ultimately the Marino family surrendered the site to the governor who sold it on to another Milanese businessman , Carlo Omodeo , who did at least allow a member of the Marino family to live in part of it — at an agreed rent .
3 He sold it to Mallett who sold it on quickly to Fred Koch for £1 million .
4 Bull terrier Bronson had already done battle with two workmen — who fought it off with a shovel — before turning on Questa .
5 Nick Pickering broke up a rare Shrewsbury attack on the edge of his own box , made a 50-yard run into the other half and played the ball forward to Ellison , who laid it off to Steve Mardenborough .
6 Pennethorne made a number of designs for rebuilding Downing Street , and sent his final scheme to the Office of Works on 15th January , 1855 , who passed it on to the Treasury .
7 Heller & Partners provided such a report to Hedley Byrne 's bankers , who passed it on to their customer .
8 At the time he made a report to the then Keeper of the Indian Section , Robert Skelton , who passed it on to the Indian authorities .
9 The impressive document issued in Beaver County , Pennsylvania the first passed outside the U.S. by the authority was sent to Darlington Mayor Coun Rita Fishwick , who passed it on to Dew .
10 Tommy wiped his mouth and handed the bottle to Nathan , who passed it straight to Pete .
11 On 29 September 1980 I purchased a house for £9,000 cash from my father , who owned it exclusively in his own name from 1968 when I , along with him , my mother and sister , came to live there .
12 A ( 1931 ) nineteen thirty one Lagonda sports car has been bought at auction by a man who owned it more than forty years ago .
13 Although that right had been curtailed by s 2(2) of the 1987 Act , which requires a person under investigation to answer questions from the SFO ( or otherwise furnish information ) with respect to any matter relevant to the investigation , the effect of the immunity had been preserved by s 2(8) , which provided that a statement made in accordance with s 2 could only be used in evidence against the person who made it either on a prosecution for knowingly making a false statement ( or recklessly making such ) , or on a prosecution for some other offence where , in giving evidence , that person made a statement which was inconsistent with it .
14 Of the other ranks , it was the desert veterans who made it back to the British lines , including Reg Seekings and Ted Badger , both of whom had been attached to B Squadron .
15 Those who made it back to Algeria after the debacle were reformed into other regiments .
16 ‘ But not that it should be me who made it so .
17 Most of you did roughed it out on the back and some very quick workers who got it back in the front .
18 Opponents of the resort to force , and others who regarded it as premature , maintained that the effectiveness of sanctions required their application over a longer period ( this being broadly the position adopted in early January , i.e. before the military conflict began , by the opposition Labour Party in the UK ) .
19 It was a room no-one ever came into , except the dead woman 's husband , who visited it religiously every Sunday morning before Mass , locking himself in for an hour , while , Ellie guessed , he dusted and tidied the shrine he had created , and prayed for the soul of the one departed .
20 It was deliberately smashed by people who used it cynically for their own electoral purposes .
21 The date of the Greek translation is , strictly speaking , unknown , though a terminus ante quem is provided by Flavius Josephus who used it extensively — with the possible exception of the last three chapters ( a point that concerns Josephus , but not the integrity of I Maccabees ) .
22 Now people I 've spoken to who used it then never said anything about machine elves of hyperspace .
23 In her wake came the likes of Chrissie Hynde , who found it easier just to wear the trousers .
24 ‘ Oh , quite a lot , ’ said Jean , who found it rather hard to explain the number of duels , pursuits on horseback , quick changes of identity and narrow escapes from the authorities he had experienced by the age of twenty-four .
25 November had been a damp and drizzly month , bringing shorter days and causing aggravation to those people who found it increasingly difficult to travel in the blackout .
26 Such ventures , however , left out those who were most disturbed or withdrawn and hence who found it most difficult to work ; these were left to idle their time away on the wards , and it was always a struggle to find sufficient financial investment in equipment and raw materials to establish and maintain occupational ventures .
27 Ingrid was the one who found it most awkward .
28 A week ago I saw a monkey in the street jump on a donkey and try to wank him off — the donkey brayed and kicked , the monkey 's owner shouted , the monkey itself squealed — apart from two or three children who laughed and me who found it very funny , no one paid any attention .
29 " My contribution , " he said , perhaps anxiously , to his daughter , who found it almost impossible to kiss him across the barrier made by these objects and her own girth .
30 But many of them are failed physicists who found it too hard to invent new theories and so took to writing about the philosophy of physics instead .
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