Example sentences of "who [vb past] two [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A TRANMERE man who attacked two sisters at a party told police he remembered little or nothing about it because of the quantity of drink he had consumed .
2 A MAN who attacked two sisters at a party told police he remembered little about it because of the amount of drink he had consumed .
3 AN evil gang who kidnapped two families to force the managers of a bank and supermarket to hand over £96,000 were jailed for a total of 65 years yesterday .
4 The following afternoon Heather called for Shirley , who was in her Six and who lived two doors away from her , and asked her to go with her to Olinton Farm to get some butter .
5 Freda Berkeley misses her and another neighbour , the writer Patrick Kinross , who lived two doors away .
6 In this case the defendants , who owned two coaches making international journeys , were accused of contraventions of articles 6(2) ( 4 ) and 7 of the European Agreement concerning the work of Crews of Vehicles engaged in International Road Transport ( AETR ) and Section 96(11A) of the Transport Act 1968 as amended .
7 Brine , who admitted two charges of being drunk and disorderly and failing to surrender to bail , was conditionally discharged for a year .
8 The suggestion that there might be a ‘ precoeliac ’ state was first made by Weinstein who described two patients with dermatitis herpetiformis and normal jejunal biopsies in whom typical coeliac like enteropathy developed some weeks after 20 g gluten was added to their already gluten containing diet .
9 One old couple who were village publicans used their house as a shelter for ‘ a very composite family ’ which included a daughter who did the pub cooking , a brother , and a son who used two rooms as his tailor 's shop .
10 But it was Eadmer , with his keen eye for significant detail , who noted two points omitted by Osbern : he observed that , as the monks stood round the sufferer , each of the two groups spoke a language which the other could not understand ; and also he remarked that things went more smoothly after this event .
11 AMAN who hired two youths to firebomb his neighbours after they complained about his loud music was jailed for 12 years yesterday for manslaughter .
12 Bridgwater , who dropped two leagues in consecutive seasons , hope Taylor will return for a further season after a short trip to New Zealand in the summer .
13 A NURSE who suffered two miscarriages is launching a support group to help others who have gone through the same tragedy .
14 A NURSE who suffered two miscarriages is launching a support group for others who have gone through the same tragedy .
15 His replacement is Glamorgan 's Steve Watkin , who played two Tests against West Indies last summer .
16 With Liverpool thwarting the West forwards ' thrusts , the visitors switched tactics to run the ball and there were tries for Jon Wrigley ( 2 ) , flanker Alan Brown and Stabler , who added two conversions .
17 POLICE hunting IRA terrorists who murdered two boys and injured more than 50 people in the Warrington bombing today released video footage of two suspects .
18 He was one of the witnesses who identified two joyriders to the police last summer , after a display on the estate .
19 He was one of the witnesses who identified two joyriders to the police last summer , after a display on the estate .
20 The Welsh lacked flair as well as physique , though there were exceptions in the determination of winger Allnut , the belligerence of hooker Williams , who was winning a record seventh cap for his country , and No 8 Wainwright who scored two second-half tries .
21 Mendes , moving from tight to loose-head , White , who scored two tries , Nicol , Guscott and Hendricks played throughout , as did the Frenchmen , Camberabero , Roumat and Cecillon .
22 Dungannon 's star performer yesterday was Ireland U-21 scrum-half Andrew Gallagher , who scored two tries , playing on the wing .
23 Nearly 70 women responded from 18 countries including Helen Chadwick from Great Britain , several from the USA including Nancy Spero and Yoko Ono who brought her sculpture to the exhibition , Valie Export from Austria , Helen Escobedo from Mexico and Ana Lupas who showed two sculptures from Rumania .
24 Mrs Goode 's success follows that of her husband , David , who graduated two years ago in technical and computer studies .
25 AN ‘ evil and wicked ’ gang of three armed robbers who terrorised two families were jailed for 65 years yesterday .
26 The innocent man who spent two years in an Indian jail .
27 A group of medical students , who spent two weeks recording older people 's assessments of this century , discovered that they were fascinating and not at all preoccupied with illness .
28 SCREAMING relatives were dragged from court yesterday after a joyrider who killed two children was attacked in the dock .
29 A pensioner who pulled two people from a burning car has received an award for heroism .
30 ‘ There was a lady who called two weeks ago crying because her tortoise had died .
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