Example sentences of "who may [vb infin] been " in BNC.

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1 The Facts is preoccupied with one shiksa in particular : the deadly Josie , whom Roth marries , who forces his hand in the matter by faking an abortion , who comes near to destroying him , and who may have been , according to the Zuckerman letter at the end of the book , an alcoholic .
2 The heaviest betting this year has been for Shellac , a six-length winner from Sudden Victory at Ayr last time out , but the deciding factor is that Dettori originally chose to ride SPLENDID CAREER ( nap 3.35 ) , who may have been unlucky when beaten at Newbury by yesterday 's Goodwood winner Monastery .
3 The two stars , Juliet Stevenson and Bill Paterson , were taken aback when the audience began muttering during their harrowing portrayals of a torture victim confronting the man who may have been her tormentor .
4 Many are incurable strays which wander off time and time again , many are untrustworthy or dangerously aggressive dogs who may have been thrown out or dumped for this reason .
5 Your chances of coming down to London and finding someone who may have been there over a decade ago are not just slim , they 're non-existent .
6 He left after a dispute with the deputy professor , Charles Spooner , who may have been jealous of Mayhew 's popularity with the students .
7 At this stage you may also be in contact with the social services who may have been supporting the new client for some time .
8 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
9 ANYONE who may have been disturbed by a recent Monitor report on the threat of cancer lurking in normal cells ( New Scientist , 3 March , p 583 ) , can sleep easy again , at least for the time being .
10 We must constantly compare the copy with the reality shown to us by experienced paddlers and not simply look hard at a wide selection of paddlers and not simply look at our own friends and colleagues who may have been influenced by the same paddle strokes that we are studying ourselves .
11 The employee would not , for six months after termination of employment , solicit custom from any person who may have been a company client during the employment .
12 Some of the most distinguished English binders in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were Samuel Mearne ( working c. 1660–83 ) , in whose shop much work was done for Charles II ; several unidentified craftsmen working for the two Queens — Catherine of Braganza and Mary of Modena — ( known as Queens ' Binder A , B , and C ) and William Nott ( who may have been Binder A ) , of whom Pepys wrote in 1669 :
13 They also offered a few words of comfort to those who may have been encouraged by the church to believe their lifestyles were sinful : ‘ We can assure lesbians and gays of heaven .
14 In such circumstances , the counsellor will often find that invaluable help and information can be obtained from relatives and friends , who may have been aware of the personal circumstances , but perhaps unaware of their full significance at the time .
15 It is most likely that it had to do with the extra fasts practised by the Pharisees and in this case the disciples of John the Baptist , who may have been mourning the death of their leader .
16 But how would this affect the smith 's relationship with the supplier , who may have been the customer ?
17 Apologies to any readers who may have been misled by the original reply .
18 Among the grave goods were 140 pieces of gold jewellery , which had originally adorned the corpse of an important woman , who may have been a queen or a high priestess .
19 The much-tested , long awaited OU pack which helps social workers , police and others to interview effectively children who may have been abused .
20 What seems to have happened here ( as on other matters ) is a division of Opinion between the ETS committee who may have been quite sincere in trying a long-term solution — and the knee-jerk reaction of the membership against the permanent acceptance of women as compositors which the project undeniably contained .
21 Added to this , there are an unknown number of people with various impairments who may have been disabled since the 1920s and have simply been overlooked by researchers , policy-makers and service-providers alike .
22 This result could have been due to the inclusion of mostly elderly patients in the control group who may have been harbouring M tuberculosis from a primary asymptomatic tuberculous infection , which was common in their youth .
23 Previously we estimated that our data request omitted 6.5% of cases and we now add a further 6.1% who may have been lost because of inadequate records .
24 Girls who secretly knew that they wanted a baby , or who may have been trying to have one , feel pleased and excited .
25 During the course of the decade , with or without partners , Noell took on the farming of more revenues , and in 1657–9 he was co-postmaster-general with John Thurloe [ q.v. ] , who may have been a relative by marriage .
26 , Sir Frederick Augusta ( 1743–1830 ) , principal librarian to George III , was the son of John Barnard ( died 1773 ) , page of the back stairs to Frederick , Prince of Wales [ q.v. ] , and the prince 's wife Augusta ( after whom Frederick was named ) , who may have been his godparents .
27 Among the writers who influenced Smith were the Lancashire dialect poet Edwin Waugh , whose poems he liked to read aloud , and Samuel Smiles [ qq.v. ] , who may have been the first man to interest him in technical education .
28 The main advantage of panels is that they provide feedback over a period of time , which increases the reliability of their responses compared with people who may have been stopped for a brief interview outside their local supermarket , for example .
29 However applicable the distinction — and Walsh 's characterization of the " provincial " muftis — may be in the period after the end of the sixteenth century , the position regarding the muftis in the earlier period is rather more complex , for here one must distinguish three classes : first , the Mufti ; second , muftis of a number of cities and large towns , who certainly were of the ulema class ; and third , though evidence regarding them is hard to come by , one may perhaps hypothesize a class of small-town , even village muftis , who may have been , but very possibly were not , of the ulema class .
30 It would seem , therefore , that a vicus grew in connection with the Agricolan fort ; a writing tablet from Vindolanda records the presence of a centurio regionarius , who may have been connected with its administration .
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