Example sentences of "who also [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Others who also cared that some of the few remaining oak trees would be felled , stone walls and hedges destroyed , and that the dippers on this stretch of the river Dee would be driven off by low flying golf balls , ducked the issue and remained silent .
2 THE twentieth-century equivalent of the fishing knitter George Trowark ( see left ) could well be management consultant Jeremy Young who also knits as he travels , writes Vinny Lee .
3 The man on the stand , who also looked as he could do with the loan of a GII , was proffering a petition to passers-by .
4 A similar situation in some respects developed over the office of fiscal of the regality court of Lennox , or Mugdock , an appointment which was held by William Weir , the town clerk of the burgh of Rutherglen , a gentleman who also officiated as commissary of Hamilton and Campsie .
5 Mansell , who also revealed that he 'd been offered more than twice his wages to go back to Ferrari , added : ‘ Ayrton 's spoiled , always has been — even when he was a kid kart racer .
6 The Boumphreys , who also write and publish the Yesterday 's Wirral series , approached their friend Bill to write the book .
7 All twenty-six were slaughtered on the directions of an inspector from the Board of Agriculture who also said that if the Borough meat inspector passed any of them , they could be sold for food ; the others were to be buried .
8 The Court assumes that failure to explain why it was not practicable to obtain a report from such a doctor will make the admission unlawful , and the same point is made by Professor Hoggett ( Mental Health Law ( 3rd ed. ) at pp.102–103 ) , who also stresses that the administrative arrangements for medical cover does not necessarily make it impracticable to obtain a recommendation from a doctor who knows the prospective patient .
9 This idea was first put forward by Dr Ben Feingold of San Francisco , who also suggested that aspirin might be to blame , along with naturally-occurring salicylates ( aspirin-like compounds ) in fruits and vegetables .
10 Indeed , increased exchangeable sodium in diabetics has been reported by one group of research workers who also showed that diuretic therapy lowered blood pressure while reversing the 10 per cent increased exchangeable sodium to normal ( De Chatel et al , 1977 ; Weidmann et al , 1979 ) .
11 ‘ We recognise that there are forces in the EC who also say that the ban is unenforceable , ’ a US spokesman said .
12 The company was formed by Robert Southam , who also acts and directs for the company and in 1979 launched the European Summer School of Arts and Languages at Oxford , which takes place at the University and offers courses in theatre , music , dance , painting , film-making and English and French literature to young people from all over Europe , including Oxfordshire .
13 Havel 's suggestion of a time limit was supported by federal Prime Minister Marian Calfa , who also proposed that the law should protect the civil rights of those screened , and by Petr Pithart , the Czech Premier .
14 The new world order will be born out of Saddam Hussein 's war or not at all , and the winners will be they who also stand and wait , Germany and Japan .
15 The warning came in a plea to the Ministry of Defence by the Killin mountain rescue team in Perthshire , who also predict that axing the Leuchars facility will increased the workload and danger for mountain rescue volunteers .
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