Example sentences of "who can make [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first category is made up of those who can make no sense whatever of any God-talk .
2 Publishing excerpts from material such as planning applications for the purpose of public information , comment or criticism is not an infringement of copyright ; alternatively , you could find someone who can make a reasonable but accurate sketch of the proposals .
3 It 's a rare individual who can make a living from writing books ; the Jeffrey Archers of this world are few .
4 This can be most easily achieved by an observer who is present while the recording is being made and who can make a full transcription within a few hours .
5 You get to hear that I 'm sharing my house with a five-foot bombshell who can make a grown man go weak at a single glance , and you leap to the obvious conclusion .
6 If nothing else you feel for a man blighted by an absurdly exalted image — and one who can make a joke out of it in the wonderful tongue-in-cheek prophecy of The End of the World that closes the album ( ‘ Nostradamus and Jesus and Buddha and me/ We said it was coming/ Now just wait and see ’ ) .
7 ‘ You may know somebody who can make a dress for you , or help you make your own , ’ said Fenella Willis .
8 I mean there ought to be someone who can make a lead for us in house , that sort of thing , which we do n't have at the moment , because we 've got things like complicated split leads for rigging up two monitors , and we 've had those twice we 've had those made , outside , but they only need to get sort of broken , and we 're back to square one .
9 It is you who can make the difference at the office by distributing a little kindness instead of putting all your energy into your expectations of others .
10 ‘ There 's only one side in the world who can make the old ball swing , and it is n't the Indians !
11 ‘ It is a rewarding job and a good guide is someone who can make the topic fun but at the same time get their facts right .
12 Headhunters , who mostly have a fee based upon one-third of the first year 's guaranteed compensation , did very well for themselves in the 1980s by recruiting many of these people who can make an outstanding contribution in terms of revenue to their organisations .
13 An archaeologist who has transformed the way people think about his area of study ; a communicator who can make an enthralling TV programme ; a lover of contemporary art who has persuaded the Fellows of his Cambridge college at least to tolerate biannual sculpture shows ( one of which involved digging up the hallowed lawns ) ; and now , since his peerage which gives him the forum of Britain 's Upper House , a politician , with strong views on how to preserve the world 's history as encapsulated in its archaeology : Colin Renfrew at fifty-five has an enviable career and range of interests .
14 Indeed the value of one-to-one contact or discussion in small groups means that it can be extremely valuable to capitalise , whenever possible , on outside sources of help — classroom assistants , visiting parents , other adults and visitors , as well as visiting groups of teacher training students , who can make an especially valuable contribution .
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