Example sentences of "who were [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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31 In fact his schedule was then changed , and on 24 May Gen McCreery began his tour of 5 Corps area by visiting units of 46 Division who were to be concerned with the repatriation of the Cossacks .
32 On the following day The Times demanded the formation of " Conservative Guards " who were to be drawn from " the whole mass of householders " .
33 Tom proposed that two of these should be used as studs , or servers ; there were five women who were to be brood mares for the plantation .
34 But how would you choose the 250 who were to be allowed off the Ark ?
35 The loans were to be administered by a specially formed company under contract to the government ; but the government has been unable to secure the co-operation of the major banks , who were to be the chief participants in the new company , and the loans scheme is in disarray .
36 Those who were to be sacrificed would be driven into the labyrinth and locked in .
37 The utility of science was indeed everywhere urged , just as the utility of classics was urged for those who were to be legislators , justices of the peace or district officers in the colonies .
38 In particular he demanded the right to choose his own ministers , who were to be responsible to him alone , and to exercise an effective supervision over the workings of the machinery of government .
39 A similar effort can be seen in the ukaz of 1797 by which the Tsar Paul ordered the admission to the College of Foreign Affairs of thirty young men who were to be trained there for diplomatic careers .
40 The Symposium was at pains to stress that it was the black majority who were to be the prime targets of any campaign .
41 The first 180 of 300 Iraqi Kurdish refugees living in Turkey who were to be accepted by France arrived in the latter country on Aug. 1 , 1989 .
42 The remaining beneficiaries were to include former UNITA members who were to be re-integrated into society , as well as refugees returning from neighbouring countries , Europe and the United States .
43 The previous month though saw the much publicized reception of dissident exiles from the mainland who were to be allowed to settle in Taiwan .
44 However , he emphasised that Ukraine wanted a share of the resources allocated to the former Soviet Union by Germany , for resettling on its territory some of the former Soviet servicemen who were to be withdrawn from Germany by 1994 [ see p. 38354 ] .
45 Having shaken hands with the dignitaries she moved to the quartet of golf professionals who were to be presented to her — Manuel Cabálleros , Gerhard Bugner , Des O'Grady and Andy Kyle .
46 A new breed of men had emerged from the vague grey ranks of the judiciary to stamp themselves on the nation 's consciousness : the glamorous investigating magistrates and Public Prosecutors who were to be seen on the news every evening leading the fight against political violence and organized crime .
47 In fact Gilbert 's Act of 1782 , remembered mostly as one which permitted parishes to unite for Poor Law purposes without undergoing the expensive process of incorporating through a private act of parliament , was equally significant in its effective sanctioning of the subsidising of wages from the poor rates for the able-bodied who were to be removed from workhouses and found work .
48 Once the choir had filed into their places there was standing room only , and even Mr Salmon , wearing a long black coat and deep-brimmed black hat , was among those who were to be found huddled at the back .
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