Example sentences of "who had the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Rabbits would dash out of their losing darkness , and the village boys would chase them with sticks and yells , careful not to get in front of the two who had the guns .
2 If so , it was very successful , for the incensed Bishop of London reported the matter to Charles I , who had the offenders brought before the Court of High Commission , where they were reprimanded and heavily fined .
3 And would the paper , edited by the man who had the crotches and armpits cut out of his suits by Pamela Bordes , be featuring Mr Bell at all ?
4 ‘ It was Nate himself who had the meetings fixed up , and he would n't want them changed . ’
5 Whenever this happened he 'd get his paints and brushes out and start on another panel for Uncle Titch , who had the contacts with the fairground people .
6 But police were called when staff became suspicious and the two women were arrested , along with Dakers , who had the vouchers and stamps in his possession .
7 Just in case you were really observant I 'm the 20yr old ( looks about 15/16 ) who had the jeans and dark blue denim shirt on ( V.sexy ! )
8 Ptah embodied within himself eight other Ptah 's , who had the names of other gods , amongst which Atum was his thought , Horus his heart and Thoth his tongue .
9 The name ‘ Spanish walls ’ ( mura Spagnole or bastione ) commemorates the Spanish governor of Milan , Ferrante Gonzaga , who had the walls built to plans by an Italian architect , Giuntallodi .
10 The Psammetichus in question is Psammetichus II who had the supports of Greeks , Carians and perhaps Phoenicians in his expedition of 589 against Nubia .
11 A WOMAN who had the slimmers ' disease anorexia nervosa died thinking she was fat .
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