Example sentences of "who had be made " in BNC.

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1 And they found one tent which had been King Yucef 's ; never man saw so noble a thing as that tent was ; and there were great riches therein , and there also did they find Alvar Salvadores , who had been made prisoner the yesterday , as ye have heard .
2 Annette spent the intervening time with her son who had been made as comfortable as possible and she told him that she would stay with him until he went for the operation and would then go home but would return first thing in the morning .
3 Donna felt again like the girl who had been made to spit her gum into the wastepaper basket .
4 She was a dignified octogenarian aristocrat who had been made an honorary Chief-Corporal in the Regiment since she had served with it in World War Two .
5 Grunte , who had been made very welcome indeed , noticed a table in the corner of the Headmaster 's study , laid for four persons .
6 So far as wasted costs orders were concerned , cover was already provided by the BMIF for the benefit of those who had been made subject to such orders ; but that cover did not extend to related costs .
7 Last night , the acting convener , Tommy Gorman , said the workforce was disgusted at the way in which the 67 men who had been made redundant had been treated and the fact they would receive the minimum statutory payoffs .
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