Example sentences of "who had be to " in BNC.

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1 In 1902 he founded the Public Schools Alpine Sports Club and although this was snobbishly restricted to those who had been to a British public school , the club was instrumental in establishing winter sports as a popular type of holiday .
2 Anybody who had been to Venice must , he thought , confess that much of the beauty of that city consisted in the fact that at every turn the eye met with different kinds and styles of buildings , — at one moment Palladian and at another Gothic .
3 In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries , sociologists and anthropologists , including Émile Durkheim , were interested in the reports of travellers and missionaries who had been to parts of Australasia .
4 Spencer told us of the people who had been to the Chapel to see what he was doing — and told us that several generals had been there .
5 The difficulty of interpreting such information is highlighted though by the fact that this educated elite , two-thirds of whom had been to public schools and universities , chose as their leader a man who had been to neither .
6 Edward , an infrequent attender , complained that he was at a disadvantage , having been to a public school ; the others , who had been to state schools had unfair practice at this sort of thing .
7 Often there was scant evidence of academic activity , and this prompted criticism from some of those users who had been to mainstream schools .
8 I knew people who had been to prison and they told me , ‘ It 's really bad in there , it 's hard .
9 To tell you the truth , before I went to prison I used to meet people who had been to prison and I did n't want to talk to them because I thought they were funny .
10 Only with an effort did those who had been to all the other parties locate one another and separate themselves from the mob .
11 I was spellbound : I had never known anybody who had been to such a faraway country .
12 Mark 's face brightened for he remembered who Miss Broome was — a nice-looking youngish woman who had been to church the last two or three Sundays .
13 He crossed to the library and entered , assailed at once by warm memories of the man who had been to him the nearest thing to a father .
14 He asked everyone who had been to Denmark about the barracks at Trelleborg and Aggersborg and Fyrkat .
15 The Shropshire parish of Myddle lies some 160 miles away from London but at least fifteen of the ninety-one families that paid the hearth tax there in 1672 had one member or more who had been to the capital city .
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