Example sentences of "who had [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 They were soon joined by Duncan Curr , member of Dublin Street Baptist Church and Chairman of Christian Aid/CEEC , who had bicycled in from Juniper Green – and eventually , ny me .
2 On the one hand lay those who had trained in or followed the European tradition of independence and free investigative journalism ; on the other lay a tradition that was also important and which has perhaps been the more lasting .
3 Only Mick , who had gone in ahead of me , looked eagerly over the counter towards the office staff doing their paperwork .
4 Pearn and the members of his staff had started a monthly publication called Burma Today , giving news brought out by men who had gone in with Wingate , photographs taken by army photographers or by RAF planes on patrol , and first-hand accounts by people smuggled out of occupied Burma or coming out from the growing number of liberated areas .
5 But even in remote situations I would strongly advise against this , after doing as much in a cottage in Appin only to be greeted by the landlord who had popped in to see if we were alright .
6 Thereafter , the caretaker was his man , glad of a chance to finger ‘ that man ’ who had moved in with his girlfriend on the eighth floor .
7 ‘ Let me invite you to dinner in an hour , ’ said George , ‘ and ’ — this was addressed to Mrs Robinson , who had crept in to stand in the doorway and hear the end of the story , and now stepped forward to play a part — ‘ please , let us borrow your daughter for the evening so that we four can be a company .
8 It ensured lively lunchtimes for the railway workers , especially when Crawford had to jump into the river to rescue a member of the rival gang who had fallen in .
9 Bernadette 's tearful sister Rosie , who had flown in from Germany , said : ‘ All the relatives are giving Farrah lots of hugs and kisses .
10 The Acting Reporter from Strathclyde , Gordon Sloan , who had filled in for the past year , would continue to look after the cases with which he had been involved .
11 She was known to be one of the little ones who had filled in their colouring books irreverently , making our Lord 's beard purple , or even green , largely , to be sure , because she never bothered to get hold of the best crayons first .
12 That the cottage meant as much to her as it did to him was obvious , but it did n't occur to him that she might have been the intruder who had broken in .
13 Sour old Mr Piggott , who had looked in at St Andrew 's , let fall an ejaculation quite unsuitable to its surroundings , and emerging from the vestry door , crunched purposefully and maliciously upon a piece of coke to relieve his feelings .
14 He impatiently waved the face away ; he wanted no useless , interfering spectators , and the impatience was as much for his own continued failure as for the uncaring curiosity of the woman who had looked in — life was cheap in the Buildings .
15 The detective-constable who had brought in the exhibits had said that the girl had been to a dance .
16 He got dealers to track down an enthusiast in Essex who had got in ahead of him , and made the supergenerous offer for the supercar .
17 He hung on to the semicircular rail around the outer edge , where they were standing because the businessmen who had got in after them had jostled them there , and she saw that his eyes were closed and that he had gone gray with fear about the drop .
18 ‘ Danny 's really been looking forward to the fair , ’ explained Rachel to Jimmy who had pitched in and was helping the driver to lift a wheelchair from the minibus .
19 Of the new ‘ Nepmen ’ , two were Jews who had come in from some other guberniia , and the other three all had military experience but little capital in goods or cash .
20 McLeish looked thoughtfully at Jennifer Morgan who had come in and was considering her father with what he was startled to recognize as dislike .
21 It had been Dr Rolleston 's great sorrow that he had not been able to help children who had come in with the dreaded Infantile Paralysis , not that any other professor in Europe had been able to do better than by careful nursing stop the paralysis spreading .
22 The senior man , who had come in from Los Angeles to E.B.I.H.Q. after Erlich had left Washington , he 'd be everybody 's friend , he 'd have them eating out of his hand down at Counter-Terrorism , he 'd probably take out citizenship .
23 ‘ You 're really down , are n't you ? – said Felix 's wife , who had come in with a jar of instant coffee and a jug of water no more than fairly hot , which increased Stephen 's worry that many things were falling behind .
24 Recalled the team of copy humans who had come in from Mars to kill him .
25 ‘ Is she of a good family , like Mercy ? ’ asked his surprised mother , who had come in during the conversation .
26 Tab the tinker , who had come in to be shriven , had agreed to fashion a coffin of sorts out of thin planks of wood .
27 Two men who had come in to quaff down great glasses of cidre were now returning to their scythes in a field opposite , to join a line of sodden reapers there .
28 And then a woman who had come in to sell flowers to the customers overheard their conversation and intervened .
29 When Rachel was finally writing up her reports at the end of the morning , Nina suddenly called her and asked if she could come and look at a young man who had come in with a skin rash .
30 The waiting-room was moderately full and there were several clients who had come in from neighbouring villages .
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