Example sentences of "who not [adv] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 So you have a frustrated male who can not understand why it is apparently being given the ‘ come-on ’ and who not surprisingly reacts with hostility when spawning is not forthcoming .
2 Second , it is God himself who not only speaks but also hears that ‘ No ’ in the person of the one man who does not deserve to hear it , the righteous one who stands in the place of the unrighteous .
3 More commonly , however , the agent for the owner or head charterer is a specialized ship 's agent dedicated to service only specified owners or head charterers , who not only books chartered space but also provides port services for the chartered vessel .
4 ‘ Winter in Majorca is a one-man show portraying the composer Frederick Chopin , written and performed by Michael Lunts , who not only plays Chopin the man but also , quite superbly , plays Chopin 's music ! ’
5 He it is who not only empowers us to do right , but works in us the desire to want to do right , without which we would never dream of turning to ask him for his strength .
6 A subject who not only finds science exciting but also believes it can be applied to help people and produce wealth and employment could hardly be bettered in answer to the white coated caricature with which Ian Fells began .
7 In Titus 3:5 the Holy Spirit is said to be the one who not only regenerates us , but who renews us ; and this work of renewal of our natures from within is stressed in Romans 12:2 ( as we present our bodies a living sacrifice to God ) and in Colossians 3:10 .
8 We seriously need someone like Jack Charlton who not only knows what he s doing … he is his own man and does nt cling to pathetic stereotypes — or do what the press think is best .
9 The first positive statement to this effect in the available sources is to be found in Mustakimzade , who not only places him first in his list but also states explicitly , on the authority of the historian " Aziz Efendi ( ? ) , that Molla Fenari was the first to hold the office of Mufti in the Ottoman state .
10 It is the Spirit who not only convinces Paul that ‘ imprisonment and afflictions ’ await him if he goes to Jerusalem , but constrains him to accept that destiny ( Acts 20:22,23 ) .
11 The former is of interest only in that she happens to be married to the gorgeous Richard Gere , who not only has ten times her talent but ten times her looks ( do people really find that hideous mole of hers attractive ? ) .
12 When next you step into an airliner just ask yourself if you want a pilot who has a knowledge of flying or someone who not only has knowledge but aviation skill as well .
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