Example sentences of "who are [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Redundancy faces those staff who choose not to relocate or who are ineligible for relocation assistance and will not move without it .
2 Another group who will lose out will be those on low incomes who are ineligible for income support but qualify for housing benefit .
3 An enormous empty black container broods ominously behind the ‘ jelly stack ’ , the ‘ black box ’ or ‘ abyss ’ into which ‘ those who are greedy for excess will fall and finally perish ’ .
4 Some will stick in the jelly and burn in the flames , while those who are greedy for excess will go further and finally perish ’ .
5 So I 'm put into the hands of what used to be called ‘ Wardrobe ’ but now has the grander title of ‘ Costume Designers ’ , who are keen for me to join the twentieth century sartorially , which would involve climbing into one of those colossal suits .
6 It 's they who are keen for you to remember where you got it . ’
7 Nothing creates a worse impression than people who are late for meetings .
8 But never forget that He will forgive those who are sorry for any evil they have done .
9 Again David may have learnt a valuable lesson — children need to learn how to select friends who are good for them .
10 There are no reliable figures of unemployment , because no effort is made to distinguish between job-seekers who are available for work and those who are still at school or college , or working on the family-farm .
11 Applicants with experience in high T c superconducting oxides and who are available for employment before May 30th are encouraged to reply immediately by facsimile to Dr Ian D R Mackinnon , Director , Electron Microscope Centre , The University of Queensland , Q , 4072 , Australia
12 Formalization goes beyond the clear documentation of casual status , to include the building up of lists of people who are available for such work and the provision of training for certain skills , particularly higher grade " waiting " skills .
13 Local officials in Essex have reached agreements with three enterprises in the town of Harlow which not only regulate the use of temporary workers but also establish a list of its ( otherwise unemployed ) members who are available for temporary jobs .
14 In some parts of London where there are forty or more languages in common use , local authorities should establish a panel of professional interpreters who are available for hire at short notice by all local statutory and voluntary agencies providing personal services to the public .
15 We pray for those who mourn , and for those who are sad for any reason .
16 Thus the rich and famous and the mega-rich and those who are famous for being mega-rich are liberated from guilt and encouraged to contribute .
17 This could provide an open opportunity for women to exploit couples who are desperate for a child by persuading them to hand over a substantial sum of money in lieu of a service that can not be legally enforced .
18 The Dons have already offered him to Leeds , who are desperate for a right-back to solve their defensive problems .
19 Families who are desperate for housing are forced to accept bad housing offers simply because they have no other choice .
20 It is only the inexperienced dealers , who know nothing about the stock market and who are desperate for money that can be manipulated this way .
21 The makers of the genuine article have agreed to let Oxfam pass the shoes on to refugees who are desperate for footwear .
22 And the argument that my reformers made against that was simply that where you have a huge number of people who are desperate for jobs , there 's no level below which the wages may not fall , under a free market system .
23 Human infants who are small for dates — a marker for poor intrauterine nutrition — have fewer β cells .
24 Infants who are small for dates have fewer β cells , and non-insulin dependent diabetes is associated with a moderate reduction of β cells .
25 It is a useful technique for people who are over-anxious for approval from others and who worry too much about making others angry or upset .
26 There is rarely a need to employ this method to establish the diagnosis in immunocompetent patients with chronic hepatitis who are seropositive for antibody to hepatitis C virus .
27 Since abolition , people who are liable for basic rate tax suffer deductions at the normal 25 per cent , instead of the more favourable composite rate level of 22 per cent .
28 People who are liable for CGT in these circumstances can apply for special relief of up to £40,000 .
29 This is sufficiently clear from the rules relating to infant shareholders , who are liable for calls on the shares unless they repudiate the allotment during infancy or on attaining majority , and who can not recover any money which they have paid unless the shares have been completely valueless .
30 Earlex , who are well-known for their wallpaper strippers , have switched to the other end of the wallpapering process with Autopaster .
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