Example sentences of "who is [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 It provides a family doctor service with access to specialist and hospital facilities for each student who is registered with the University physicians .
2 It provides a family doctor service with access to specialist and hospital facilities for each student who is registered with the University physicians .
3 Partners leaving the five-man practice were claimed to have raided computer records and accounts and waged a campaign against Dr Williams , the senior partner , who is staying with the practice .
4 Mrs Leinen , who is staying with her mother Mrs Ann Monohan , in Stratton , Swindon , Wilts , says she does not have the money to fight the custody battle in American courts .
5 ‘ I 'll ask the woman from Ty Fach , ’ says Elizabeth in the voice that she uses to make promises , ‘ and the girl who is staying with her . ’
6 Who is staying with Mrs Foster ?
7 ‘ The doctors can not explain it , neither can anyone else , ’ said Andrew who is staying with friends in Nunthorpe .
8 Police yesterday re-interviewed Leanne , who is staying with relatives .
9 ‘ I am interested in journalism , ’ said Thomas , who is staying with the Kilcran family in Dale Road , Darlington , ‘ but I am training to be a teacher .
10 BASI Trainers will work in conjunction with ENSA and Monsieur Pinquet ( the Secretary-General , who is tasked with pulling the member states of the European Community plus Austria and Switzerland together ) to formulate a European equivalence ( Chamonix , January 1991 ) .
11 In addition , a challenge may be issued by a person who is prosecuted with one of the offences to be considered that the conditions were improperly imposed in the first place .
12 I see that Scottish Labour Back Benchers are heavily represented by the hon. Member for Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ( Mr. Graham ) who is listening with his customary attention to my remarks .
13 Everybody who is connected with it is changed by it .
14 he has knowingly obtained ( whether directly or indirectly ) that information from another individual who is connected with that company , or was at any time in the six months preceding the obtaining of that information , so connected , and who the tippee knows or has reasonable cause to believe , held the information by virtue of being so connected ; and he
15 This may help someone who is struggling with God 's will for the future .
16 For what it 's worth , I think she 's an utterly compelling , beautiful woman who is struggling with herself and her confusion and just has n't learned how to channel her power yet .
17 A business executive who is faced with dismissal usually has to content himself with seeking financial compensation in the form of damages for breach of contract , unfair dismissal compensation or state redundancy pay .
18 The scientist who proposes new interpretations or principles is rather like the fictional detective ( they may exist in reality too ) who is faced with the same evidence as the reader and the police , but sees that it forms a different pattern when seen from the right angle .
19 But the expedition 's leader and the discoverer of the tablets , Mr Gene Savoy , is a respected figure in the world of archaeology who is credited with the location of 43 previously unknown Inca cities in Peru .
20 And it is a Scot who is credited with using the first ‘ cady ’ on the golf course , namely the Marquis of Montrose , who played on that delightful east-coast course in the 1620s and wrote in his accounts , ‘ payment of four shillings to the boy who carried my clubs ’ .
21 It is probably a conflation of the Bladud legend with that of Simon Magus who appears in the canonical Acts of the Apostles and the apocryphal Acts of Peter and who is credited with being the first teacher of the Gnostic heresy .
22 This is in no small part due to the potential of stained glass to transform ‘ that which is material to that which is immaterial ’ , according to the 12th century Abbot Suger , who is credited with building , near Paris , the first gothic structure .
23 Auguste Comte ( 1798–1857 ) , who is credited with inventing the term sociology and regarded as one of the founders of the discipline , maintained that the application of the methods and assumptions of the natural sciences would produce a ‘ positive science of society ’ .
24 In 1850 , while in Egypt , Flaubert spends two days pondering the story of Mycerinus , a pious king of the fourth dynasty who is credited with reopening temples closed by his predecessors .
25 Two further portrait operas followed ( works in which a succession of images , rather than a narrative , are married to music ) : these are Satyagraha which deals with Gandhi 's early life and uses a Sanskrit text taken from the Bhagavad Gita , and Akhnaten , about the Egyptian pharaoh ( 1375–1358 BC ) who is credited with the invention of monotheism .
26 They were devised in conjunction ( the exact degree of which remains unknown ) with Christian Huygens of Zulichem , who is credited with making the very first pendulum clock in 1656 .
27 It was a Dutch medical man who is credited with having discovered the first recipe for gin back in the 1600s .
28 The bonus scheme for American Mr Dworkin , who is credited with turning round the company 's fortunes , began when he was appointed chairman and chief executive of BhS in November 1989 .
29 Leo , who is credited with encouraging all of this exceptional musical talent , used to run a showband in the Fifties .
30 Partly , this is because the author rightly recognizes that many users of the Statute Book approach it in a different way from a judge who is presented with two opposing interpretations with supporting arguments .
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