Example sentences of "who think that they " in BNC.

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1 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
2 As far as they have been able to check , they believe that they are the only two Scottish CAs in partnership together in Australia , but we would be interested in hearing from anyone who thinks that they might have a claim to that title .
3 The idea of village tribunals was attractive to many British officials who thought that they were resurrecting ancient village institutions .
4 It was decided to teach him the final lesson , which would also warn off other émigrés who thought that they were secure in the West and could say what they liked about Ceauşescu .
5 It should be noted , however , that an alternative hypothesis has been suggested for the formation of the Straits of Dover by Stamp ( 1927 ) , who thought that they were due to the southwards overflow of a proglacial lake ponded up in the southern North Sea by an ice front stretching from England to Holland .
6 She called out to the crew who thought that they were still securely anchored off Snodland !
7 There are too many club owners who think that they can play it both ways .
8 Assuming that dieting is a fruitless and frustrating task for people who think that they are too fat , the alternatives are fairly limited .
9 God seems to get a real kick out of choosing people who think that they are useless , or who others think are useless , and using them for something important and useful .
10 The discussion which follows in the Report for young people in general is based mainly on a rating which is established by subtracting the number of employers who think that young people are worse than older workers from those who think that they are better on each of these attributes .
11 Those who think that they may wish to practise in the North may avail themselves of advice kindly offered by Mr J.M. Shorrock , Hon.
12 It is usually staffed by Macintosh enthusiasts who think that they are onto a good thing and often appear to enjoy a remarkably short life span …
13 DELIVER us , please , from designers , manufacturers and retailers who think that they are giving women ‘ the fashion which they want ’ .
14 There are some folk who think that they are too bad to be saved , there are other folk who do n't think they 're bad enough to need saving , both are equally wrong !
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