Example sentences of "who she [was/were] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 As she bathed him , soaping the fat little limbs with a slow , caressing movement almost hypnotic in nature , she told him how lost she felt , how she no longer knew who she was nor where she was and how all that mattered to her was him .
2 Like everyone else in the village , he knew who she was and where she came from .
3 But meeting the neighbours who knew who she was and that her mother-in-law had moved to another county rather than come face to face with her — that really frightened her .
4 She felt like telling him who she was and what she had done , only he would n't be interested , he 'd be embarrassed .
5 The Germans had no idea who she was and the villagers from whom she had been begging food had not betrayed her ; she was allowed to go without suffering anything much worse than a slapped face and an hour 's sarcastic , sneering interrogation .
6 This man had known exactly who she was and had taken the trouble to speak in English .
7 All her life she had had a clear vision of who she was and where she was going .
8 She sipped absently , so desperate to remember who she was and how she came to be here that the mug was empty before she realised it .
9 She clamped down on it hard , wishing passionately she could tear away the veil in her mind , see behind it to find out who she was and why she was cast away on Penry Vaughan 's island .
10 Tomorrow , she assured herself , as she brushed her teeth , she would wake up with total recall of who she was and where she came from .
11 I had no idea who she was or who I was or where we were .
12 He looked at her vaguely as if he was n't sure who she was or what she was doing there .
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