Example sentences of "who in [adj] case " in BNC.

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1 But the Crown was primarily concerned at this time with the raising of revenue , and not with the punishment of offenders , who in many cases were able to recover their forfeited offices on payment of a fine .
2 The blame must lie with the fertiliser manufacturers , who undoubtedly have done their best to encourage increased consumption by heavy advertising to farmers , and who in many cases also own farms themselves and supply seed of varieties specially bred to respond to high levels of nitrogen .
3 This is important when dealing with older people who in many cases are not now what they have been , making the counselling task different from that of any other age group .
4 At grouping in 1923 , the smaller railway companies , who in many cases were responsible for the rural railway feeders , were bought out , and often their lines were closed and lifted .
5 Except that trusts of land must be created by writing , a trust may be created by any sufficient expression of intention to create it , whether the legal ownership is transferred to another to hold as trustee or remains with the creator of the trust , who in that case will himself be the trustee .
6 They complained pursuant to section 83(1) of and paragraph 1 of Part III of Schedule 12 to , the Act to the first defendant , the ombudsman appointed under the Building Societies Ombudsman Scheme set up under the Act that their valuations had been prepared negligently by the professional valuers , who in each case were employees of the plaintiff societies , who were all members of the scheme .
7 Eustace Loder , the prime mover of the Stewards ' objection , was said to have a personal grudge against Craganour 's owner Ismay , who in any case was far from universally popular : the son of the founder of the White Star Line , whose greatest ship the Titanic had gone down on its maiden voyage in 1912 with the loss of 1,517 lives , and himself a passenger on that fateful voyage , his survival did not endear him to the public .
8 Nigel , who in any case really delighted in sows ' ears which had the faintest possibility of turning into even cotton purses , beavered away with them for an hour or more before unceremoniously dumping them in the dustbin and banging down the lid .
9 What made it easy was that earlier charters had been produced by so many different monastic scriptoria in so many house styles that spotting the inauthentic was a task for the dedicated scholar — who in any case was more likely to be employed in propagating fraud than in hunting it out .
10 Finally , of the argument that Jesus treated women well ( and thus it is of significance that he did not ‘ choose ’ women — to be part of a symbolic number of people who in any case had to be male ! ) , it must be said that it is quite unwarranted .
11 Owner-occupier farmers with higher annual income , who in any case spend much of their profits each year on new equipment , could still maintain their standard of living by collaborating with developers by granting long leases .
12 Whilst Underwood 's somewhat arbitrary classification is now little used , the patterns which he detected , multi-strand lines and spirals , continue to be found by those who in some cases have had little contact with his original work .
13 Certainly the size largest keiretsu have at their centre very influential banks , who in some cases , managed to deflect the attempts of the US Occupation to dismantle their organization .
14 In a sense this tendency was enhanced by the nature of the LEA guidelines , which requested a great deal of factual information in addition to an appraisal , and the advisers themselves who in some cases presented the purpose of the self-appraisal in terms of explaining their practices rather than appraising them .
15 International organisations have to deal with ‘ governments who in most cases do not represent their peoples , and certainly not the poor peasants ’ ( p.2 ) .
16 As is very much the fashion these days , the contract could be protested by the losers who in this case are believed to be Control Data Systems and its subcontractors .
17 Like the Rachmaninov D minor Concerto before it , where he consulted the composer and made sanctioned changes , the Barber Sonata became completely identified with Horowitz , who in this case gave its world-première performance .
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