Example sentences of "who have [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 At a different level it may be the squad leader who has to define these overall goals in operational terms and who has to lead the squad in battle .
2 And so you have then a political system in which you , which you have a presidency er faced by a powerful legislature , a president who is not part of legislature but who has to lead the legislature without any significant controls over it a very difficult and demanding task .
3 It could be a roadmaker who has to fill a depression in order to continue with the road .
4 Think of the man who has to hang a kitchen cabinet in a frame house .
5 Even more tragically for the vicar is the fact that for many unchurched families he is simply a cog–in the death machine ; an impersonal professional who has to mumble a few words before the curtains swish and the coffin descends to the fires below .
6 This is no comfort for a patient who has to wait a few months ( in the past , waiting times in some centres were over two years ) but is perhaps a more rational means of distributing limited health care resources than the random waiting lists used in the past , when patients were given fairly arbitrary degrees of priority .
7 Like the ornithologist who has to reach an impossibly remote island by a certain day in the rainy season only to find it overflowing with ornithologists from all over the world choking the woodland tracks with cameras and tripods , trying to catch a fleeting glimpse of a small bird as it hops about in the dripping undergrowth .
8 The teacher may not instantly use all of this material , but the aim should be to build up a growing collection of useful resources which will remain the property of the school and which can be handed on to any teacher , or supply teacher who has to teach the course .
9 This presents more difficulties for the researcher , who has to do a great deal of interpretation in order to make inferences from what people actually do to their motivations for doing it .
10 Perhaps it 's enough to be Scarlet , who has to see a therapist and dreams only of early retirement and death .
11 If anyone makes a mistake , it 's the senior person who has to carry the can . ’
12 ‘ I 'm the one who has to carry the guilt around .
13 In the end , it is always the client who has to carry the can , and fortunately RCA backed up Roche by continuing to retain his services .
14 If no name has been provided , the list will start from the first user alphabetically who has to assess the DC .
15 Oh yes if it , it will be moi who has to foot the bill .
16 They are bondagers , women hired by a male farm worker or ‘ hind ’ who has to provide a woman to work with him before he will be hired by a farmer .
17 A lot falls onto the shoulders of bass-player Cliff , who has to provide the rhythmic muscle as well as carrying the melodies while Tim 's guitar playing wavers from the understated to the basic and only adds to the droning quality of the songs .
18 A lot falls onto the shoulders of bass-player Cliff , who has to provide the rhythmic muscle as well as carrying the melodies while Tim 's guitar playing wavers from the understated to the basic and only adds to the droning quality of the songs .
19 But , if you are one of those people who has to read a great deal — in connection with your job or because you are studying — then you will soon begin to appreciate the benefits of being able to read more quickly .
20 Nowadays the holding of dances , raffles , and pub talks along with the fixture has pushed up the sums enormously , although if inflation and house prices are taken into account even £50,000 or over is hardly a fortune for a man who has to find a job and keep a family .
21 In The Favour , The Watch And The Very Big Fish Bob Hoskins plays a Paris photographer of religious themes who has to find a model for Christ on the cross and comes up with Jeff Goldblum , an ex-convict and former lover of an actress ( Natasha Richardson ) , who he meets at a pornographic dubbing studio .
22 Is this really censorship or just part of the normal dialogue between author and publisher , who has to find an audience for the book .
23 As Lord Devlin puts it , " A jury can do justice , whereas the judge , who has to follow the law , may not . "
24 The Phototrack range of computer software is invaluable to agencies , freelance photographers or anyone who has to organise the storage and management of photographs or transparencies .
25 However , a professional such as a general medical practitioner who has to seek the advice of a specialist consultant will find it difficult to verify and validate the advice of the specialist and this is true also of expert systems which contain knowledge beyond that of the user of the system .
26 The house needs remedial action to make it safe , but who has to bear the cost of this work ?
27 Similarly , if the contract provides that The Customer shall provide such temporary roadways , footways , scaffolding and other equipment as may be necessary for the safe installation of the goods who has to bear the cost of equipment hire if a fork lift truck , or heavy lifting crane , is needed for the installation ?
28 The buyer receives a further 100 from the seller who has to pay an equivalent amount as variation margin .
29 Third place went to Denis McCullough but the hard luck story of the race belonged to Phelim Owens who had to take a slip road at Cardy Corner when lying fourth then rejoined the race in 10th place before ending up back where he had started — in fourth place .
30 At around this time I began to give private lessons in Latin and mathematics to a few boys who were in their first and second years of school in Parma or who had to take an entrance examination .
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