Example sentences of "who be think of " in BNC.

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1 Individuals on current salaries of £75,000 or more who are thinking of changing jobs and either joining a new scheme or transferring their existing pension to one will need to weigh up the financial consequences .
2 These questions and many more are puzzling those who are thinking of alternative uses of land .
3 We can find out far easier what is really required , and they can begin to realize that we 're not just a set of photographs at back of church with names underneath , that we 're actually person who are thinking of speaking .
4 I think candidates who are thinking of applying for entry in nineteen eighty-five , who are now say seventeen coming on eighteen , have got three or four years ahead of them at university , which is a considerable time , and if nothing else , university will make them question themselves , what their interests are , and they 'll introduce them to new subjects , new areas of study , and it may be a mistake to embark on a vocational course , and discover halfway through that actually it 's not what you want to do .
5 Because at the moment I mean they 're going into some venues out like the Traverse , who were thinking of doing it anyway , but
6 For these same reasons , some farmers who were thinking of selling have changed their minds and fewer farms are for sale .
7 who 's , who 's thinking of going ?
8 Mind you , you 're not the only one who 's thinking of the future .
9 So er if you 're thinking of becoming a super model if there is anybody out there who 's thinking of becoming a super model perhaps you 'll give me a ring and er and I can break the bad news to you personally .
10 And with Christmas coming , they 're asking anyone who 's thinking of giving a bike for a present , to think of giving the right clothing as well .
11 It might be that a friend says to the young man who is thinking of living in Bali ‘ You do n't really believe that nonsense , you 're playing at being Gauguin' .
12 For anyone who is thinking of planting I would suggest visiting a local nursery which grows its own plants and asking for advice about planting times .
13 3 Write a conversation between you and someone who is thinking of have a Wonderland holiday .
14 The way we speak about Wimpey and the impression we give may influence someone who is thinking of buying a Wimpey home , negotiating with Wimpey Construction , buying materials from Wimpey Minerals or applying for a course in one of our craft training centres .
15 It prevents us falling back upon the familiar ideas of a ‘ father in heaven ’ who is thought of in much the same way as Santa Claus or an uncle in Australia .
16 The priest who is thought of as a man who goes into poor areas and preaches and helps the needy and the poor as Saint Francis did , is showing rich tourists paintings .
17 I 'd read a book called Falconry and Hawking by Philip Glazier , and I 'd recommend it to anyone who was thinking of taking the training of birds of prey seriously .
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