Example sentences of "who be [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 Many of the children who are tested are only six .
2 Individuals who are isolated are vulnerable .
3 Witnesses who are hypnotised are usually just bystanders .
4 I can write to the hon. Gentleman with the figures , but the majority of arrivals from Vietnam who are screened are found not to be refugees .
5 The message seemed to be that women who are raped are at fault for not having successfully avoided it .
6 Those middle managers who are left are finding themselves with three times as much work to do as before , handicapped by depleted back-up resources .
7 But with the resurgence in business , those who are left are having to work long hours to ensure that the quality of service to clients is not affected , and she believes that she will have to start recruiting again before long .
8 The depopulation has been frightening : between 1856 and 1975 the population of the Baronnies dropped from just over 10,000 to just under 3,000 , and those who are left are not prosperous .
9 On the other hand , here , as in other parts of the Pyrenees , those who are left are now being joined by others who have retired or who have bought a second home in the foothills .
10 Let's not go into the specifics of the court case just now David Lightbown , what I want to say to you , do you think it 's a case , some people might perhaps unjustifiably but they still would say that those people who are bullied are bullied because they are nonconformists and in the military one has to conform and many people
11 Horses and people who are stressed are extraordinarily resistant to changing their eating habits .
12 Instead , when the large practices make cutbacks , the favourite route for those who are axed is into self employment .
13 A broad middle section of self-employed tradesmen formed the backbone of this urban society , but nearly 50 per cent of those who were taxed were dependent on their wages and were likely to be reduced to poverty in times of depression .
14 The four men who were killed were sent on a murder mission .
15 Moreover , its existence was completely at odds with the national trend for community care , since patients who were referred were brought to a location quite remote from the area in which they had lived .
16 The formative years of many of the elderly who were surveyed was a ti-me of popular demand for greater equality .
17 It was true that some of the team who were sent were among those who were most experienced in the use of the gifts of the Spirit , but others soon emerged to take their place in the mother church .
18 The fact that a significant number of the independents who were elected were DLP sympathizers who had failed to secure party endorsement as candidates , meant that most observers expected Roh to be able to construct a working majority within the new Assembly .
19 Among those who were defeated were Gao Dai , editor of the People 's Daily , and Deng Liqun , who , as a member of the party 's central advisory commission , had acquired huge influence following the Tiananmen Square massacre .
20 for example , BBC Television on the evening of the 11 July Day of Action , and the papers next morning , were full of pictures of injured policemen , but the pickets who were injured were hardly mentioned , although among them was a man who had had an epileptic fit , a woman who had collapsed at the rear entrance to the factory and two Yorkshire miners who had to be carried away by their friends .
21 None of the 120 children aged under 6 who were tested were seropositive but the true prevalence could be as high as 2.5% ( the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval ) .
22 Values in patients taking NSAIDs who were colonised were not different from control subjects .
23 He planned to acquire one of the Agricultural Project smallholdings , and although he was not eligible , he had some hopes since those who were qualified were not applying .
24 One would like very often to have more erm people involved in decision making , but they simply do n't have the time to inform themselves and one or two experiments in the kind of democracy you might Brian might have had in mind , came to horrible grief where decisions were taken simply uninformed and where the small number of people present who were informed were n't able to persuade the majority and the history of education is littered with them most unfortunate examples of this .
25 The only people ( or so I thought ) who were miffed were the council members of the European Athletic Association , steeped in their protocol .
26 Two rebel leaders who were arrested were named as Mohammed Abdoulaye , Minister in charge of State Enterprises until December 1989 , and Mohammed Ahmoundou a former adviser in the President 's Office .
27 It is true that the elections resulted in a House fairly evenly balanced between the two parties , but the fact that the elections came to be fought over the issue of the Church in Danger meant that those Tories who were returned were in no mood for compromise , with the result that the new House proved extremely difficult for the ministry to manage .
28 Among seven who were recaptured was Carlos Pino Molina who , together with Luis Melo Mendoza , was granted unconditional freedom by a judge one week later on grounds of lack of evidence for the case against them .
29 The few AEs who were distracted were unsuited to their roles in any case .
30 One study of women whose pregnancies had run to 41 weeks or more showed that those who were induced were less likely to have a Caesarian .
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