Example sentences of "who [verb] know she " in BNC.

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1 Colin Barnes , the fashion illustrator , who has known her since St Martin 's , says , ‘ Of course outspoken people tread on toes , but they are often the ones who make waves and achieve something . ’
2 If a little girl can not feel herself able to win the heart of her father , her own father who has known her so well and so long , and is tied to her by mutual blood-ties , I reasoned , then how can the young woman who comes later have any deep confidence in the power of her womanliness .
3 In all the packed lunches she put together there was invariably an item included that only someone who had known her long ago , before the war , would have troubled to include .
4 Somehow Margery got to Calais , where she met ‘ divers persons who had known her before ’ ; they would not let her know which ship they were sailing on , but Margery ‘ speered and spied ’ until she found out , and put her luggage aboard .
5 The persons who had known her before secretly got ready another ship , though ‘ what the cause was , she never knew ’ , says Margery ingenuously .
6 Matthew , who had known her since she was a plump eight-year-old , smiled down at her .
7 She sat in the drawing-room and received all the callers , genuinely grateful for any tribute to Aunt Emily although there seemed to be , among all the people who came so punctiliously , hardly anyone who had known her really well .
8 She had a tension about her like a strung bow , and every bit as lethal , and she had a piercing beauty — why had he never marked it , he who had known her nearly three years ? that made his heart contract as he looked at her .
9 ‘ By ill luck found someone who had known her . ’
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