Example sentences of "who [verb] [been] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Er , one of the things that I I I do wish hand-book writers would er , do , is to erm , write whenever practical , to seek out the strength of the group , at the beginning , so , that for example , how mu if there are those of us who 've been magistrates or been before the court , or involved in legal processes .
2 — Department store bosses trying to try on clothes in their fiddly little changing rooms ( you can always tell people who 've been clothes shopping they 're the ones with the bruised elbows ) ; — Town planners and architects who think steps are an interesting feature trying to get up them in a wheelchair , with a pram , or just with creaky old legs ; — Hospital consultants who make ten appointments for the same time waiting in out-patients , especially if it 's the day when there 's a dotty old lady , a whining child and an old man who coughs and spits all in the same little section ; — Weird fashion experts wearing their crazier outfits in Darlington on a rainy Monday .
3 The Courage to Heal by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis ( Cedar , £5.99 ) sets out a self-help programme for women who 've been victims of incest .
4 These trained workers are preparing the Ark centre , near Oxford for the arrival of youngsters , who 've been victims of sexual abuse .
5 She 's one of 27 pensioners living in the Aylesbury area who 've been victims of distraction burglaries in the past year .
6 And to prove his point he cited beside the names of Matisse and two or three other painters who had been Fauves those of Robert Delaunay , Henri Le Fauconnier , Jean Metzinger , André Lhote and Marie Laurencin , all of whom were at some time or another involved in the Cubist movement .
7 On Oct. 15 , 1989 , a controversial retrial of 15 Islamic extremists ( who had been associates of Bouiali-see above ) was abandoned after the defence had successfully argued that a regional court was not competent to try their case following the Supreme Court 's refusal to do so .
8 Within three months , the epidemic strain was cultured from 3 other patients ( M30 , M32 , and M34 ) who had been inpatients over the Christmas period , and had had close contact with patients M8 and M10 .
9 The commercial department of the Central Authority was staffed at the top by three ex-CEB men who had been experts in the complex bulk tariff rules laid down in 1926 to secure equity between independent undertakings : a job which no longer existed .
10 The four , who had been members of the late President Sukarno 's palace guard , were shot by firing squad in Jakarta , despite widespread pleas for clemency from the international community .
11 Three candidates who had been members of the CNC , Nadjita Ngororo , Doungous Kimto and Bobekreo Tchimne , were also defeated .
12 The arrest of three police officers and two military captains who had been members of the elite UESAT unit of the Panamanian Defence Forces commanded by the former dictator Gen. Manuel Noriega , led to suggestions that a serious coup attempt had been intended , and that it had enjoyed wide support from the police .
13 Although Clive & Stokes took on one partner from Barker , Peter Bingham ( who had been personnel Director of Bowater ) , the strategy was not successful and in 1986 the connection with Barker was severed .
14 The men of No. 1 Troop , all volunteers , included Territorials ( men who had been civilians doing part-time army training ) , some regulars , and reservists like Lance-Corporal Weatherall who were recalled to the colours .
15 On 6 November I saw a delegation of small business men who had been customers of BCCI , and yesterday I saw representatives of the BCCI depositors protection association .
16 In the summer of 1529 , during an outbreak of the plague in southern England , three men who had been students together at Cambridge found themselves by chance staying in the same house in Waltham .
17 The allocation of work was in some cases based upon people 's skills outside ; for example , prisoners who had been barbers , washermen , gardeners or ‘ sweepers ’ ( refuse collectors and cleaners from the lower castes ) were given similar jobs if available , but , generally speaking , new inmates were assigned a task without much deliberation or consultation .
18 As could be anticipated , those who had been tenants for several years , and therefore qualified for bigger discounts , were over-represented among the purchasers .
19 After the funeral , when they were eating the lunch he had arranged at the Black Lion in Wellingham High Street , Sara was approached by Mr. Crowther , Aunt Alicia 's solicitor and senior partner in Crowther , Boon and Crowther , who had been solicitors in Wellingham for three generations .
20 What he overheard provided his first insight into the intimate sentiments of mature Fists who had been warriors for over seventy years — as the seven long-service studs on the craggy , crewcut forehead of each star-knight signified .
21 Asked for her views on the exhibition , one elderly woman who had been friends with many of the Expressionists described it as ‘ both exciting and deeply moving ’ .
22 Some 580,000 Estonians took part , exclusively people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Estonia and their descendants ; most of Estonia 's political parties fielded candidates , some with Popular Front endorsement .
23 Ahead of the Latvian Supreme Soviet session , the radical nationalist National Independence Movement organized on April 30-May 1 a rival " Congress of Latvia " , elected in privately organized elections in which only people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Latvia and their descendants were eligible to vote .
24 The middle-aged married couple who had been caretakers before him had been dismissed on the spot for gross drunkenness .
25 One of the crew who survived lost his wife and daughters who had been passengers .
26 How much intimidation took place after the previous raid is hard to gauge , but in 1955 Charley Head , who had been signals officer with 3 Commando in March 1941 , revisited the islands and learnt that no one was shot after the March raid , although some houses had been burnt down .
27 If the preceding analysis is correct , then Gundovald 's support can be seen to depend on three different groups : there were members of Childebert 's court , seemingly anxious to keep their options open until the king was recognized as being of an age to rule ; there were men who had been followers of Guntram , but whose positions had been compromised ; and finally there were military leaders who had been in the service of Chilperic , but who had been too far from court at the time of his murder to ensure their survival under Chlothar II , whose own succession could scarcely be taken for granted .
28 As Henry signs the new treaty at the French court , the camera moves in to a close-up as he recalls the faces of the people who have been friends to him in more dissolute days , and have now followed him into battle .
29 As for us , we have your story , we have a saint who has made her way back to us by strange ways , and we have those who have been friends to her on that journey , and may well believe , as you believe , that the lady has been in control of her own destiny , and choosing her own friends and her own dependants .
30 MOTORISTS who have been members of the RAC for 50 years or more are to receive special awards .
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