Example sentences of "her [noun] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The occasion was a documentary film I was making on the life of Airey Neave , the MP who had masterminded her election to the Tory leadership and , as Shadow Secretary of State for Northern Ireland , been killed by an IRA car bomb when leaving the Palace of Westminster .
2 Julie Clements was sent by her GP to the John Radcliff Hospital 's accident and emergency department to check if there were any broken bones in her injured ankle .
3 At the time Mr Justice Macpherson said the decision of the Merseyside police authority chairman , Mr George Brundred , and his deputy , Mr Harry Rimmer , leader of Liverpool City Council , to delegate her case to a committee they set up expressly for the purpose ‘ had the smell of unfairness about it ’ .
4 Tricia took her case to a tribunal , and won an out-of-court settlement .
5 Evelyn was carrying her case to a waiting taxi .
6 However , Ms Mountford took her case to the House of Lords where a dramatic reversal in judicial policy took place .
7 Today Michelle Howard took her case to the High Court , where she hopes to prove that Wessex Health Authority was liable .
8 Her identity is widely known in the village , but her wishes are respected and her name will not be revealed here She is the last of a long line of illustrious cheesemakers and her regular clients can only hope that she will pass on her expertise to the next generation .
9 ‘ I am certain of it , ’ he replied , but promptly settled her heartbeats to a dull , steady rhythm once more by adding , ‘ because of your car , did n't I have good reason to contact you ? ’
10 What was stranger still was that she seemed stressed and worried , and kept raising her wings into the wind and bending forward at it and then letting it lift her off her stand to the top of her cage where she stuck out her talons , hovered for a moment and then flopped inelegantly down again to the bare branch .
11 From her navel to the base of her spine she had been ripped apart .
12 The church was very full and although Amabel could not speak to everyone on her progress to the front pew she paused before taking her seat and smiled sweetly , generally , at the congregation , hoping that no one would feel left out .
13 Gagné ( 1970 ) — whose work we will examine later — has compiled a hierarchy of eight types , the purpose of which is to help the teacher to match her teaching to the kind of learning she wishes to produce .
14 Her footmarks to the edge
15 As always , Elizabeth shows herself a thoroughly English writer in her sensitiveness to the vagaries of the weather and to minor class distinctions ; and whatever Dr Johnson may say about the unimportance of the former or contemporary prigs about the latter , they contribute so much to the variety of life and conversation in England .
16 He used three of them for Tessa , the legs of one pair tying her ankles to the chair legs , her hands pulled behind and tied together with the second pair .
17 Her face was a tragic mask , that of a woman who has sent all her sons to a war and waits hourly for the death telegram .
18 But Mandy 's gift for drama and her change to a quavering old voice had brought a reluctant smile on to Charity 's lips .
19 This month 's winning letter comes from Donna Davidson who , amidst a big postbag on the subject of Steffi Graf 's popularity , offers her support to the German in an honest and fair way .
20 Till the wedding of her sister To a mister out at Bicester , name of Jimmy , who said , " Gim me , " So without 'em she went home ,
21 The breeze carried her exclamation to the man who strode towards her .
22 If the assisted party is unsuccessful , his or her liability to the Legal Aid Board is limited to the amount of his or her contribution and , in that respect , the Board bears the financial risk of litigation .
23 He tried to imagine her crossing to the phone , sitting down on the chair , legs slightly apart .
24 In fact her resistance to the ‘ sense ’ of the question is due to the fact that she understands it first in the context of legal discourse : ‘ She had a brief glimpse of a mediaeval bureaucrat … issuing a proclamation : ‘ From 23.59 on the 16th April 1340 , dipthongisation will be optional in the County of Kent ’ ' ( 5 ) .
25 But what no one could foresee were the complex problems of readjustment. for instance , the emotional strain of leaving Baldersdale almost certainly reduced her resistance to the germs and viruses that also come with the overall package of civilization .
26 As she drifted mindlessly in the shimmering water all her resistance to the past few days seemed to be dissolving away within the strength and power of his embrace .
27 Ms Suu Kyi won the peace prize in 1991 for her resistance to the regime which seized power after brutally suppressing a pro-democracy uprising in 1988 .
28 She did everything loudly : loud sneeze , loud blowing of the nose , loud banging of doors when she was in a temper ; she would march ( she always marched ) into the kitchen , clattering all the saucepan lids to see what was for supper , saying ‘ brrr ’ and turning up the heater , turning on the telly , tapping her foot to the music .
29 His wife , who had miscarried he was no longer sure how many times , had stayed in bed two or three weeks without setting her foot to the floor on every occasion , and had then spent a week or so more , he remembered , on a sofa in the drawing-room looking not merely untouchable but as if even a heavy footstep across the hall might shatter her into pieces like spun glass .
30 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
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