Example sentences of "so much time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bunch that rides steadily , guided by experienced domestiques who know how to keep going and not lose so much time that they will be eliminated from the Tour as a whole .
2 But touring takes up so much time that there 's no real time to sit down and work out songs .
3 Lilly Foley wondered would he fall in love easily , or did the rugby take so much time that he would just be satisfied with the distant adulation of the girls who watched and cheered the games .
4 Well it it saves so much time as well you see because and you get on so much quicker with everything !
5 Sometimes it gets to me , I give so much time and energy to everyone else , that there is nothing left for me .
6 But it takes so much time and you 're leaving tomorrow .
7 It is not entirely clear what its Darwinian purpose is , but it certainly must have one , for the beavers expend so much time and energy to build it .
8 She was here , the very person he had spent so much time and energy and money tracking down .
9 ‘ It would be extremely sad to see this railway go to the wall , after so many volunteers have put in so much time and money to keep steam travel alive in Hampshire . ’
10 It is not long , however , before the reader realises that in investing so much time and effort in a small number of individuals .
11 We could have saved ourselves so much time and grief .
12 The chase and the conquest take so much time and energy that there is often little room for anything else in life .
13 ‘ My policy saved me so much time and money , ’ he says .
14 I have felt considerable moral pressure to take part in organisations helping people with AIDS/HIV , especially when I meet those apparently unaffected by the disease giving so much time and effort to those who are .
15 Mr M was very impressed by the Children 's Panel system that , he said , seemed to take so much time and trouble to listen to , and about , the children .
16 In a letter he attacked Mr Brown for ‘ wasting so much time and energy on an issue which is totally irrelevant to the concerns of the British people . ’
17 Over the past year so much time and energy has been devoted to considering the implications of the new audit regulatory regime that investment business has been given scant attention by commentators and the profession alike .
18 You can make do with string , but having spent so much time and care on creating a perfect picture , you might be somewhat annoyed if it fell to the floor and smashed because the string had broken !
19 This is why all those scientists have given so much time and effort to such apparent trivia as Fermat 's Last Theorem and the advance of Mercury 's perihelion .
20 It may seem risky to start investing so much time and effort to obtain a better quality of life for a person at the margin of coping , but once the framework of social care planning has been established other aspects of social work and health service provision can be woven in .
21 Reveals a source : ‘ Chris reckoned he deserved the best as he was spending so much time and money in the place . ’
22 I 've devoted so much time and energy to creating Tessa and it feels marvellous that it 's actually come off , ’ she says taking a big puff on her roll-up .
23 The more often they mate , the more likely they are to be the one who fertilises the eggs , and the more certain they can be that the offspring they expend so much time and energy in rearing are theirs .
24 Santa Anna lost so much time and so many men in a pyrrhic victory , for which he need never have fought in the first place , that when he finally met the full Texan force under General Sam Houston he was utterly defeated .
25 So much time and thought was spent in working these out and building up a satisfactory order of phases .
26 That the potters devoted so much time and care into applying these techniques would appear to indicate the existence of willing purchasers .
27 The money was n't the problem though , the real pisser was investing so much time and effort for zero return and knowing we deserved more .
28 ‘ I wish it was n't like that , it wastes so much time and that does run out in the end .
29 Any information is better than none : the fact that the results are inevitably partial and suggestive rather than comprehensive and definitive should if anything increase our appreciation of those who spent so much time and effort to help us to obtain a clearer picture .
30 And if , in a woman-centred , woman-positive , pro-woman environment , women discover their affiliation and affection for other women , which raises critical questions about friendship and solidarity and love , and why we spend so much time and emotional energy on relationships with men which cause us so much pain .
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