Example sentences of "so are [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For those who enjoy making every meal a special occasion — whether it 's Saturday brunch or a dinner party for eight — and so are looking for something between their ‘ best ’ fine bone china service and oven-to-tableware , Wedgwood has introduced a range of ‘ casual ’ designs , on fine bone china , on Queen 's Ware and on their new fine china body .
2 Few venture capitalists feel that the UK equity market has the effervescence to be able to generate the level of returns seen in the past , and so are looking to continental buyers to supply the exit opportunities for cleanly-structured , discrete , well-managed UK companies .
3 Although in some cases enterprises have tried to develop realistic ‘ performative ’ plans ( Wernham 1985 : 633 ) , their incentives to do so are limited by the fact that plans are still subject to external political appraisal which may alter their content and assumptions and thus undermine managerial commitment .
4 Some of these regulations may not promote efficiency but be justified on paternalistic grounds : workers are held not to be the best judges of their own interests and so are prevented by law from taking risks they would voluntarily undertake for money .
5 However , in such studies , pipe and cigar smokers were usually defined as those who had never smoked cigarettes : these primary smokers tend not to inhale and so are exposed to relatively low amounts of tar and other harmful constituents of the tobacco smoke compared with cigarette smokers .
6 The subsidence costs are incurred by British Coal and so are said to be internalized .
7 Kendall ( 1986 ) reminds us that accidents in infancy are related to what the child can do , so are related to stage of development , and quotes the relative incidence :
8 Stick insects look like sticks and so are saved from being eaten by birds .
9 Avoid slip-ons , as the toes need to grip hard to keep them on and so are put under strain .
10 ‘ They seed all over the place and have the morals of tom cats , so are found in every flower bed , skulking behind hedges , peering round gate posts , naturalising in any open space .
11 For molecules XAY , like OCS or CINO , the two stretching modes are of the same symmetry , and so are numbered in order of decreasing frequency .
12 Light from the two pupils follows different paths through the oval lens , and so are brought into focus on their separate retinas .
13 This quality derives from the fact that oral speech involves face-to-face contact and also that oral languages are less widespread than written languages and so are shared by smaller groups .
14 This is admittedly a rather crude distinction , but one which could be justified by the very uneven break — some 80 per cent of establishments were " non-users " for each category — which it produced ; For experimental purposes we also separated out " high user establishments where the number of fixed-term contract or agency workers used was the equivalent of five per cent or more of the labour force but the results thereby obtained were not more instructive than those obtained by the initial classification and so are reported upon only in a limited fashion .
15 The police have to work closely with Ayslebury magistrates , and so are qualified in their criticism .
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