Example sentences of "so if you have " in BNC.

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1 So if you have any doubts at all … use a condom .
2 Remember that penalties imposed during the main bout carry forwards into the extension , so if you have had a warning in the bout proper for stepping out , and then immediately incur a half-point penalty during the sudden-death , your opponent wins .
3 Thirdly , the coach is in the business of picking winners , not his friends , so if you have n't been selected , you have to admit to yourself that perhaps you did n't deserve to be .
4 So if you have any growing in a corner of your garden , cut some of them down now and by July there will be fresh growth for butterflies to lay their eggs on .
5 So if you have a place in this years ADT London Marathon or indeed any other running event please raise money for St. John Ambulance .
6 So if you have any questions or comments after reading this booklet , please do n't hesitate to contact the :
7 So if you have been in the scheme all your life , you would have a half pension and a lump sum — which is tax free — of 1 ½ times your earnings .
8 Though our food is quite good , it is not exactly cordon bleu , so if you have any ideas on how to brighten up service rations , Philippa , let us know .
9 So if you have any doubts at all … use a condom .
10 So if you have a cold starter and dessert and a main course that is either a one-pot meal , like a casserole , or a roast , where the oven temperature can be adjusted to cope with delays in starting , then you should avoid disasters .
11 So if you have got your heart set on a big wedding for the kids or a fast car when you retire , it is worth putting some money away as soon as possible to make sure the clouds of inflation do n't darken your horizon , adds Mr. Pinnell .
12 So if you have a special occasion for which you want to feel particularly slim , do n't eat rice the day before !
13 So if you have young children you might be able to make some garments and take them to the Play Group — if the leader will let you !
14 So if you have record-review , use it — and use the standby switch too if you have one : another battery saver .
15 Now that we have a permanent place to meet we would like to start up a library as some folks can not afford to buy reading material so if you have any books that you have finished with or which are duplicates and would like to make room for new editions we will be happy to give them a good home where they will be used and appreciated .
16 We recently acquired a darts board and this has proved very popular so if you have spare darts and/or a darts board , carpet bowls or skittles these too will be received with gratitude .
17 Programs are expensive , and even more so if you have to keep altering them .
18 Another point to remember is that flowers will wilt badly , or even die , if they are left sitting in a hot car or office all day , so if you have to buy them hours before they will be pressed , put them in plenty of water as soon as possible or , better still , buy them on your way home and then they can be pressed fairly quickly .
19 So if you have got your way some of the time by being aggressive and forceful , when you try a more considerate approach you will feel insecure .
20 So if you have a place in this years ADT London Marathon or indeed any other running event please raise money for St. John Ambulance .
21 Many of our patterns feature Swiss darning so if you have had any doubts , here is a step-by-step guide to just how easy it is .
22 Some condoms are lubricated with nonoxynol-9 so if you have a reaction change brands .
23 ( It is easier to do so if you have friends who can own up to feeling the same way . )
24 This is an easy walk so if you have any energy left try climbing Lingmore Fell for good views of the Langdale Pikes and Great Langdale .
25 Remember they will send the claim form to the last recorded address they hold for you , so if you have moved and not informed them do make sure they have your new address .
26 The bonus is combined with your normal pension payment for the first week in December , so if you have not received it by the end of that month ask at your local Social Security office .
27 So if you have worked 30 years for a company that has 1/60th pension scheme , you will receive 30/60ths of your final pay — in other words , half .
28 So if you have an unused runway or something that looks like one nearby , please use the conventional markings for a disused , unusable runway — white crosses or , at the very least , tyres or stakes painted white .
29 Nobody forces you to consume the equivalent of halfa dozen eggs at one meal , but it is very easy to do so , so if you have eaten a mousseline of scallops , red mullet , and écrevisses floating in a lake of sabayon sauce , then do not follow it with a honey ice cream or one of those ali baba affairs nor with a peach charlotte containing five egg yolks , but rather with a tarte fine chaude aux pommes acidulées , which is nothing more outlandish or richer than an old-fashioned apple tart made on a base of puff pastry .
30 So if you have any problems , observations , general conversation or polite suggestions , please put pen to paper , preferably with a SAE enclosed .
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