Example sentences of "so [vb -s] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This gives the picture a reduced depth of field and so separates the subject from the background ; the shutter speed is then automatically adjusted to offset the increased exposure .
2 The mobile phase flows continuously over the stationary phase and as it does so separates the components on the stationary phase .
3 As inexorable as gravity brings the high jumper back to earth , so doth the winnings of the gambler return unto him who gave them .
4 But in fact the Sea does divide this new Antipodean culture from the ancient traditions of South-East Asia , and so renders the countries separate and distinct from their neighbours .
5 This is the Court of Chancery : which has its decaying houses and its blighted lands in every shire ; which has its worn-out lunatic in every madhouse , and its dead in every churchyard ; which has its ruined suitor , with his slipshod heels and threadbare dress , borrowing and begging through the round of every man 's acquaintance ; which gives to monied might , the means abundantly of wearying out the right ; which so exhausts finances , patience , courage , hope : so overthrows the brain and breaks the heart ; that there is not an honourable man among its practitioners who would not give — who does not often give — the warning , " Suffer any wrong that can be done you , rather than come here " .
6 This polemical concern to highlight the importance of what had been ignored is significant in helping to explain why Goody so overstates the case .
7 The brewer must now extract these sugars by adding more hot water and so transfers the mash to a mash-tun .
8 Certainly a reading of the soil conservation literature through seventy years or so exposes the lack of substantive progress in the identification of the problems and even the technical solutions ( with the possible exception of the demonstration of the importance of rainsplash in soil erosion ) .
9 But even those with mild and moderate disease were more likely to be employed if they did not reveal their cystic fibrosis , suggesting that doing so places the job seeker at a disadvantage .
10 The Centre 's extensive programme of publications and meetings ensures wide access to CEPR 's output and so enriches the work of its Research Fellows .
11 But as the scale of direct marketing has grown , so has the concern among consumers about how mailing lists are compiled , where the information comes from and how it is used .
12 So has the interior , with better quality fabrics , trim and carpeting .
13 the slave has absolutely no deliberative faculty ; the woman has but its authority is imperfect ; so has the child , but in this case it is immature .
14 Times have changed and so has the attitude of the Church .
15 Over the border from Tuscany , it is just in Umbria , and so has the freshness now lost in its overexposed neighbour .
16 Where standards have risen , so has the price of landfilling .
17 Just as the present way of teaching Physical Education has changed , so has the teaching of Art .
18 The Headmaster has agreed to the idea , and so has the chairman of the Parents Association .
19 The sovereign 's power to debase the currency has passed to the commercial banks and so has the seigniorage which once accrued to the state .
20 The essence of the restraint of trade doctrine is still contained in the famous speech of Lord MacNaghten in Nordenfelt v Maxim Nordenfelt Guns and Ammunition Co [ 1894 ] AC 535 : The public have an interest in every person 's carrying on his trade freely : so has the individual .
21 Just as the Revolution in Russia made little difference , so has the departure of imperial rule from most Afro-Asian countries .
22 Your appetite 's gone … so has the roast .
23 So has the series been abandoned ?
24 But just as the removal of trees from the lowlands has created considerable opposition from environmentalists so has the policy of planting them across the hillsides .
25 The Floribunda has become very popular , and as this has increased so has the H.T. influence increased over the Polyantha to the extent that we now have H.T. type roses being borne in abundance .
26 Its waste production probably is no greater than that of other extractive industries , but as its production has increased so has the amount of waste .
27 ‘ Ach , so has the Evening Times , ’ said Sadie dryly .
28 She has an extraordinary gift , as she is telekinetic and so has the power to make things happen through thought-transmission .
29 The land someone cultivates is necessarily his : this is simply a special case of the fact that each man unquestionably has a right to his own life and labour , and so has the right to the products of that labour .
30 In France too , corruption has played a part , though so has the ennui that follows more than a decade of rule by one party .
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