Example sentences of "so [v-ing] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was Aggie who now rose first from her chair and so bringing the conversation to an end by saying , ‘ Well , ma'am , I thank you for your hospitality , and also for your kindness to the child .
2 So bringing the thing in , hello darling , and erm , he was just literally he was rushing around the weeds trying
3 What 's more , all Saabs manufactured since October 1984 run on unleaded petrol without modification , so helping the environment and cutting petrol costs .
4 So using the maths helps to get it more and more accurate , but there comes a point where it .
5 So using the default palette as the basis it is time for change .
6 However , the PC standard has moved away from original CGA toward EGA , VGA and even higher resolutions , so easing the display problem , while operating system vendors such as Microsoft and Digital Research have delivered environments closely matching that of the Macintosh .
7 After the Director of Public Prosecutions ( DPP ) had taken charge of the Crown Prosecution Service he was invited to join in their discussions , so completing the triangle .
8 The forces of repulsion keep the particles buoyant , in suspension , enabling them to be rinsed away so completing the cleaning process .
9 Although the user may imagine that any block size will be acceptable , VSAM only uses blocks of size 512b or 2048b , where b can take any value in the range 1–16 ; this means that VSAM will round up any intermediate value to the next available block size , so wasting the difference between the two values .
10 It used to be thought that there was a seaward movement of water on the bottom , so producing the undertow which was considered so dangerous to bathers .
11 Alia again made concessions , agreeing that more than one party could contest the forthcoming elections and so allowing the formation of Albania 's first opposition party in 46 years , the Democratic party [ ibid . ] .
12 The proposal is that from 1 August , self-drive hire firms etc should account for tax on a tax-inclusive basis on disposal , so allowing the margin scheme to operate as now .
13 The precession of the satellite 's orbit — the way it swings slowly round the Earth — will mean that successive 30o-segments will overlap by 15o , so assisting the procedure of confirming sources .
14 The general ethical approach applied to therapeutic trials , namely that there should be an approximate balance between expected benefit and possible risk to each individual in the trial ( so justifying the allocation of patients at random to a new or existing treatment ) is less relevant in certain prevention trials .
15 You can also get double-glazed vertical sliding sashes , so matching the style of your existing windows should not be a problem .
16 Yet against this sombre background ( so matching the experience of the hard pressed Christians in Rome of the 60s A.D. , for whom Mark wrote his Gospel ) two clear and closely linked rays of light shine out .
17 " Regulated business " has a specially extended meaning in two respects , so widening the scope of the COB Rules .
18 He was ordained priest by St John of Beverley , so gaining the title ‘ Venerable ’ , which was a rare dignity among monks , but the usual form of address for a priest at that time .
19 It is often asserted that the First World War rescued the Unionist Party from an impossible position and left it poised to become the dominating force ; the war broke up Liberalism and destroyed the Liberal-Labour alliance , so opening the way for Unionism ; Lloyd George carried the party to victory in 1918 , incurred the odium for the post-war slump and was cast aside ungratefully in 1922 .
20 Anyway so applying the quoick transformation back to er supply response , we apply this quoick transformation to equation seven alright .
21 This absorbs water and expands , so cracking the concrete .
22 Politicians of all persuasions entertain the hope that their brand of constitutional reconstruction can set things aright so enabling the state to recover , square the circle , and create the conditions for both economic growth and social cohesion .
23 This can be especially serious in the case of attitude scales where respondents by simply offering the same answer to the series of items produce a " response set " so distorting the score .
24 He remained secretary of the National Federation , so becoming the link between the leadership and the constituency associations and hence the key figure in rebuilding the party following the split over Irish home rule and the defection of the Liberal Unionists .
25 Darren said : ‘ We are both history lovers so enlisting the town crier 's help seemed the ideal way to propose .
26 Darren said : ‘ We are both history lovers so enlisting the town crier 's help seemed the ideal way to propose .
27 It has erm at the last European Election it had five hundred and twenty two thousand voters , so picking the candidate is really the first stage on s trying to get amongst five hundred and twenty two thousand voters .
28 The object of so defining the behavior is to produce change , not to repress it . ’
29 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
30 It was thus agreed that redemption , to the sun of £100 only ( 4 x £25 bonds ) , be drawn for and should a bondholder so drawn insist on taking his money then the Bolney Syndicate would , if necessary , buy the bonds so saving the Club 's strained resources .
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