Example sentences of "so [adv] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Since the war began , Soviet military commentators , including senior serving officers , have been expressing dismay at seeing Iraq 's army , most of whose tanks and aircraft they supplied , pounded so relentlessly and effectively .
2 For the onlooker , one of the game 's fascinations , even perhaps a cruel fascination , lies in the complex interrogation of character which cricket so relentlessly and uniquely pursues .
3 The fade has always been the safer shot as Ben Hogan — another who , for long , was haunted by a hook — so thrillingly and chillingly exemplified .
4 We knew each other before the Expo , though not quite so intimately as now . ’
5 When she had to set a plate before him she could smell pomade on his hair , and her gaze was drawn to the long , clever hands which had once touched her body so intimately and unprofessionally .
6 He argued so acutely and convincingly that each party hoped for victory when it heard him arguing on its behalf and there was no advocate who appeared before him who did not greatly fear his cross-examination and interventions .
7 Later , he had moved away from these classical designs ; he had become interested in Arabic jewellery , she said , and in their techniques of wiring jewels so delicately and invisibly that they moved with their wearer .
8 I mean , what we 're trying to do in the visual arts is to spend what limited money we have to produce a better situation for the visual artist and for the public who gets pleasure and enlightenment from visual arts than exists at the moment , so rather than just prop up the status quo , which is what is would be very easy to do if one just kept the pot boiling so to speak by giving a few grants to artists here and sitting at the centre of a spider 's web in Tunbridge Wells waiting for applications to come in to us and then responding .
9 Within Bield one survey showed that half of those tenants who moved on to further care from sheltered housing did so wholly or primarily for mental health reasons .
10 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
11 Do species have to be maintained so uniformly and tidily , so predictably , as if they were part of a genetic card index ?
12 Indeed the little incident could not have been better judged to give them , as a group , a history and a common recognition of similar social sympathy , of good manners under stress , even of kinship that they alone in the Swan , in Grasmere and perhaps for many miles around , should have shared in Miss D'Arcy 's private grief and dealt with it so skilfully and properly .
13 A presidential authorization for a covert operation , a ‘ mini-finding ’ , was rushed out at the end of November , so secretly that hardly anyone knew of it ; this made good what had happened already , which was not supposed to have happened at all .
14 It was delightful — not only to hear two of them boast so loudly about the lotus-eating weekend but to see what they said so effectively and hilariously challenged by a person from a different social group .
15 It was for these qualities that he was so widely and profoundly respected and liked by the many many people whose love and sympathy will I am sure prove to you now an enormous uplift and support .
16 However , we want to take the right action , and to do so properly and comprehensively .
17 It 's right back to the Stamp Acts which were so bitterly and rightly resisted in the early part of the 19th century . ’
18 I think it did have a lot to do with the status that being different conferred , for in spite of the austerity of our childhood , we believed that we were better than other people , the food we ate being a mark of this , because our mother told us so — so successfully that even now I have to work hard at actually seeing the deprivations .
19 It was a favourite gambit of his and I had been caught before ; but never so successfully as now .
20 Dennis was thrashing about so vigorously that even a trained lifeguard would have had difficulty in retrieving him .
21 The British Columbians , despite dogged persistence , could not cope with a pack in which eight men worked as one and where possession once obtained was so powerfully and cunningly retained .
22 I 'm not very good at listening to God , but between one and three am God spoke to me so powerfully and painfully that I have never felt so broken before him ( and still do ) .
23 Few books can have captured so powerfully and quickly the imagination and appealed to the religious yearnings of a gullible public than Chariots of the Gods and its successors .
24 He fell back , and started coughing so badly that even I was frightened .
25 This particularly infuriated Dermot , the pack leader , and sometimes he would knock Patsy about so badly that finally his father told him off , not for hitting the little boy , but because Patsy 's subsequent sobs kept Patrick Milligan senior from his sleep .
26 How sad to see our old people not just robbed but beaten up so badly as well .
27 She was puzzled only by the unmistakable largesse of the confidence proffered to her , because try as she might , she could not persuade herself that Clelia could talk like this , so wittily and intimately and inquiringly , to everyone ; she could not believe that she could talk like this to many .
28 No one would have constructed them in the form they have if he had not known that at all costs he must , when it comes to experimental predictions , obtain those same results which the statistically interpreted Schrödinger equation seems to produce so economically and naturally .
29 His special gift was to get us on the move , send us out to the butcher to buy that good piece of veal , into the kitchen to discover how delicate is the combination of veal , carrots , little onions , a scrap of bacon , seasonings and butter all so slowly and carefully amalgamated — and all done with butter and water alone .
30 She squeezed him with her vaginal walls , as he moved his goodly weapon , so slowly and so deliberately , inside her .
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